
I think the liberals are alittle bent out of shape over McCains VP choice?

by Guest32547  |  earlier

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Geraldine Ferraro has even jumped ship and come out and said she is voting McCain. It is going to be a very interesting 60+ days until the election! McCain knew what he was doing picking someone who actually has a outsider, positive track record- compared to the same old insider Democratic ticket.




  1. Nope, I'm loving it! McCain just nailed the coffin in his campaign with that ridiculous choice for a running mate!

  2. Half the liberals nowadays don't even know who Ferraro is, of course there the lucky ones.

  3. It's fear and it's getting deep around here. Just go to the Hillary Clinton forums and they are jumping on McCain's ticket now over being disenfranchised by their party.

  4. Hillary supporters,Can't you see that Sen.McCain has more respect for you than Obama ever will

  5. go geraldine!

    the dems had a crummy ticket, biden was their surprise, biden's not half as impressive as palin.

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  6. Libs are a "little" bent? Libs are a lot bent. Here's why:

    1) The Democratic party of opportunity missed the chance to nominate a woman. Now, everyone knows it was just lip service.

    2) The Democrats are campaigning on "change." But all they have done is give it lip service too. Biden is a Washington insider and it makes them look like politics as normal.

    3) The Republican VP is a pro-life conservative who will work on reversing Roe v. Wade. That scares the heck out of the Dems!

    4) Wanna see legislation moved through in the Senate? Palin has fought the corruption and as Chair will move what needs to get through and throw out the rest.

    5) I want to see the polls for the "bump" that McCain got after the Dem convention with this choice. Obama finally saw his "bump" and had an 8 point lead yesterday. I'll bet it's not there anymore.

    6) The first woman of significance for the Dems was supposed to be Hillary. After all, she was going to be president. For Hillary to be president she must hope Obama loses. Worse for her, in the process of hoping that Obama loses, McCain wins. If something happens, Palin becomes first female president. This selection bit Hillary in the butt.

    Liberals are A LOT bent out of shape over this choice.

  7. I think it's kinda weird that he chose her, but yes I agree with you that it's gonna be an interesting few months leading up to the election.....

  8. The Dems know McCain has em in the cross hairs.  This election is over baby!

    McCain-Palin!  Country First

  9. What makes you so sure Palin is an "outsider"? She was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it. She is for the total use of federal lands for the exploitation of Alaska's oil and gas, in favor of the removal of polar bears from the endangered species list, totally anti-abortion and pro creationism in schools. Those are ALL mainstream Republican positions.

    Of course she "says" she is anti corruption -- that's how many politicians get elected.  She is already under investigation for abusing her power as governor, and she has only  held office for 20 months.

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