
I think the most American thing to do is go out and register Independent tomorrow. Do you?

by  |  earlier

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Since both the Dems and Reps are both whores lets keep em gessing. Both parties have ruined this country. Lets make it America again, land of the free not the land of the fooled.




  1. Yeah, to bad Ron Paul didnt really have a chance. I wish he could be the next President.

  2. I agree,  forget the party lines.  May the person that makes the most sense win despite what color or animal they hide behind.

  3. Actually it would be far more American not to register as an Independent just because some stranger on Yahoo ! Answers suggested that it would be the American thing to do.

  4. hey that is why we are alwayshelping others fight for freedom its not free and we have choices to do what we wan twhere some countires you can't vote for whom youwant.

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