
I think the " who ask out pays" rule is a bs rule because....?

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Men are normally/usually the ones doing the ask/inviting out and women rarely do it. Why do some women bs the men like that, early and into relationship? Is it to be selfish and save some cash ? I never got the fact that women are looking to find a good man and men are usually trying to stay single but yet women rarely ask guys out/try to find a good man and men do, does this make any sense? Most guys end up paying up end thee end for s*x as a dare say with a prostitute( cause she will lay with a man after he paid for something for her, not natural attraction in for the most parts) What do you think ?




  1. I think it's nice when the man pays on the first date but I do not expect it after that.  On the first date I always make sure I have money in my wallet to pay for my share.  I offer to pay and am willing to pay.  And that's a "date" that's not meeting out for drinks or coffe or somehting.  Movies, one buys the tickets, one buys the snacks.

  2. It's just 'cause those women don't like to pay. I think things should be equal, so you're taking "each other" out on a date.

    Why most people don't feel that way, I don't know.

  3. It sounds like you're completely clueless about women. A man should want to pay for dinner for a woman he's interested in. It shows he wants to impress her. I think you're just cheap, and don't have much luck with women. Sorry to be rude, but this is something you really may want to think about.

  4. I've never heard of the "Who ask out pays" rule, and I've always refused to let a guy pay. Why do some women not ask out men? Some don't because they feel it's up to the man, some are too shy. How does a woman sleeping with a man at the end of a date make her a prostitute? A lot of men expect a woman to have s*x with him if he pays for her.

  5. I don't like it when a guy pays for everything.  My ex and I used to split the bill or take turns.  However, my current bf fully and truly believes that he has to pay for everything and after too many debates I've given up.  And I like him to much to dump him over it.  

    We compromised.  He agreed to not hold the doors open for me and I agreed to not argue over the check (but only because he currently makes more than I do).  I also do the cooking when we stay in.

  6. Yes, its a BS rule. But times are changing. These days men and women are beginning to understand the idiocy of this idea and are either splitting the bill, or learning to take turns.

  7. I would avoid men (or women, in your case) who expect the other to pay all the time.  That's a bunch of, shall we say "cowscat" ifyouknowwhatimean.

    People who always want free rides contribute nothing to a healthy relationship.

    But honestly, if you paid for a date would you expect s*x afterwards?  Perhaps for some that's a tradeoff.

  8. In the age of women's right, the guy paying for the date is archaic.  

    There are some cool girls that pay their own way, but most girls still want guys to pay for the date.  I call them gold diggers.

    However, in the long run, even if the girl pays for the first few dates, the guy will end up paying the most.

  9. The " who ask out pays" rule is bs UNLESS its to go to something really expensive. Otherwise, you should "go dutch" which is the 50/50 split.

    I know I get freaked out when men want to pay for everything. I don't like it, even if I was planning on sleeping with them anyway. It's like they expect you to sleep with them afterwards if they pay for you. s***w that. If you really want to pay for me then do it because I'm broke or you want to have a good time, not cause you want me to put out later.

    You shouldn't go after women who expect you to pay for everything, and if they do expect that then yeah, treat them like hookers. The same advice goes for women.

  10. If you can't afford to pay when you date her why would she consider any further relationship with you?

  11. Men aren't the only ones who initiate dates. And even if I did ask a guy out, I would expect him to at least offer to pay.

    I think the girl sets the tone for payment. I always offer to go 50/50. Some guys take you up on it, some don't. First date, I think the guy should pay. It's traditional and a good way to show a girl you can take care of her.

    Once you're dating and in a relationship, I'm all about splitting. Although I prefer - you get dinner, I'll get the movie tickets. Or you get dinner tonight, I'll get tomorrow.

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