
I think the ufc should at least have no weight limit tournaments dont you?

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if not no weight and no rules all the time




  1. Absolutely!!! It was originally supposed to prove a fighting style's strengths. It is after all "The Ultimate Fighter", not "The Best Guy In His Class Fighter". You'd also see less rolling around on the ground.

  2. yeah that would really s***w the sport up do you know anything and maybe fighter will fly out of my lightswitch and battle gorgons get real

  3. Sorry, Most of us actually enjoy the sport of MMA.

  4. Yes I agree

    I'd love to see it go back to the original format as it was intended in ufc 1 way back in 1993 as now its the complete opposite with far too many rules and referees who jump in as soon as some one gets a bloody nose ,get REAL all the answerers who seem to differ it was supposed to be as a real test of martial arts skills with no rules :)***

    what will it be next handbags at dawn  FFS !!!!

  5. definately ,someone should fire the athletic comission

    how do these doorknobs get elected anyway , whether it'd

    be nevada or newjersey.some of the greatest mma matches

    happened in tourneys in the early days , testing the fighters

    intestinal fortitude and savvy, now theres way too many rules

    not even joe rogan knows whats legal or not , pretty soon

    the only way to win is a 3 count.(shoulders touching the mat)

  6. h**l YEAH! ufc was originally an open weight contest to prove who the best fighter really was, not just the best fighter in his weight class. They should have an open weight belt where people from all weight classes could compete, and then maybe there would one day be like a dual champion. But the open weight division would be a nice throwback to the original ufc, they should also have like 8 man tournaments to dtermine the next contender for the title

  7. why, so MMA can be reduced to what it used to be , human c**k fighting.

  8. I'm sure people have their martial arts ideals and all, but the truth is strength and size does matter. You'll notice this once you start some serious training...the bigger guys strike and grapple harder and they are also harder to submit because of their sheer power.

    The weight classes are there primarily and precisely for this reason. It would be unfair for the smaller guys to face somebody who performs at their level and hulks around a hundred pounds heavier.

  9. The sport has been able to gain millions of viewers with the rules and weight classes and has become the fastest growing sport on the planet because of rules and weight limits-  The UFC of the early days was like an infomercial for BJJ (Gracie JJ to be exact) to show their style was the best, they even put out videos of BJJ vs Kung Fu, TKD etc...Rorion and company had no idea that it would become what it has today, especially the UFC.  I think the sport is much bettr off today than it was in 1992, even though those fights in 1992 are what got me involved in the sport, it is the evolution of the sport that has kept me and the UFC involved in MMA.

  10. I think they should have ONE open classed tournament per year - but stick with the same rules...

    I think Anderson Silva could win the whole thing.

  11. Yeah that would be pretty cool. There have been many cases where small guys have knocked out guys alot bigger than them. So why not? I could already imagine some awesome fights. How about...

    Rampage Jackson vs Georges St Pierre

    Chuck Liddell vs Randy Couture 4

    Tito Ortiz vs Chris Leben

    Forrest Griffin vs Brock Lesnar (David vs Goliath)

    BJ Penn vs Anderson Silva

    Wanderlei Silva vs Yushin Okami

    And thats just the fighters I like off the top of my head, the possibilites are endless....

  12. The only reason they got sanctioned by the athletic                   commissions was by doing away with no limit tourneys and adding rules and regulations. Tournaments are fun to watch

    but they arent won by the best fighter but by the guy with the    

    easiest fights and the easiest matchups.

    I dont wanna see Brock Lesnar vs BJ Penn it just wouldnt prove anything to anybody. Royce Gracie was dominant fighting guys 50 lbs heavier than him because at the time nobody knew how to defend against his BJJ.

  13. I think that at UFC 100 for one night only  they should go back to the original rules: 8 man tourney, no weight class, no gloves, groin strikes and head butts permitted. Kicks to downed opponent legal.  Winner gets 1 million dollars, losers go home empty handed. Today's MMA fighter/athletes with those rules would be brutal.

  14. that would be plain out stupid....they made rules for a reason bro. it woulnt be fare for some one like Bj penn to up agenst some like tim the math.

  15. NO, it should have a weight limit. there is no reason on earth why a "real" fighter who comes to compete can not make weight. fighting is a discipline and so is controling your weight to reach a goal if its not met you should not be allowed to fight at all you are showing others that you just dont care and have no respect  by doing otherwise.

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