
I think the war between Russia and Georgia is the same as invasion of Iraq.What do you think?

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I think the war between Russia and Georgia is the same as invasion of Iraq.What do you think?




  1. They were both planned well in advanced and backed by the World Bank, USA, UK, & Israel.

  2. No.

    Iraq is a tyrannical country. USA stoped it from suppressing its own people, acting like a world police.

    USA gov did not do it the right way. It should have consulted the rest of the world first and convince the Iraqis to against the tyrant. US failed to do that, entered Iraq, shock everyone, made itself look like an invader.

    What makes it worse, some idiots in the military thought it was a "good idea" to miltreat the captured prisoners (that would make them afraid - it turned out making them angry), turned USA the devil, not the hero.

    Russia entering Georgia is a pure invasion, as Russia should just defense itself, not entering into Georgia.

    US government is not always wrong. It wants to do the right thing but often landed in the wrong place. US is not evil. Tyranny is.

  3. Yes you are right. The US has no moral high ground after the senseless invasion of Iraq. The Russians have been provoked by Georgian attacks for years, who can blame them for responding.

  4. Wrong, there were no UN mandates or sanctions on Georgia unlike Iraq.  Georgia is led by a democratically elected leader unlike the butcher of Baghdad who got some rope burn.

    Russia is a wild beast of a nation endangering world peace.  Those war mongers are drinking the blood of the peaceful Georgians.  Putin makes me mad.  Russia is angry about the pipeline and they need to get their rotten communist selves out of Georgia.

  5. Georgia was a sovereign nation, NOT under U.N. or any other mandate to meet certain standards or conditions.  Iraq was in violation of at least 16 sanctions, had lost a war, was committing genocide against its people and supporting enemies of the civilized world by running no less than 8 major terrorist training camps.  

    They refused to go by the peace agreements which kept us from wiping them out after the first was, therefore the invasion was legitimate.  Had England and France done the same when Hitler started gaining power, many millions of people would still be alive that died in WWII.

    Instead of listening to "talking points" from the supporters of Moslem terrorists (ie the Democrats in the U.S.) You should get out into the world a bit and actually see what is happening.  Use your mind a bit to think instead of parroting whatever the "feel good crowd" and the "hate America First" groups say and write.

  6. No! It is a renewal of communism, Putin is a coward who cant fight a real fight.

  7. Well, it's not... Russia and Georgia aren't the US and Iraq, that should be a clear enough indication.

  8. Survival of the fittest:

    in this new age it seems who ever has to most power can do what they want to who they want

    The US can invade who it wants

    The Israel can beat its neighbors with no bounds

    Russia can invade Georgia and pulverise Chechnya into oatmeal

    Its a free for all brave new world!

  9. Watch, I bet your stupid smartass answer is going to be, because its about OIL, even though the invasion of Iraq wasn't about that.

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