
I think there's a spirit in my house i'm worried about it.?

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Lately I've been experiencing a few things paranormal. I'm the only one in my house that believes in anything paranormal. I'm worried that things are going to get worse. It's against my religion to do witchcraft please help!




  1. The only religion I'm aware of that is against witchcraft, per say, is Christianity. So, speaking purely from a fundamentalist Christian perspective, spirits (in the paranormal sense) don't exist. According to Christianity there are demons and angels. If you don't think it's an angel, then by process of elimination it must be a demon. If you don't feel right doing witchcraft to get rid of the spirit you should speak to a member of the Clergy that you are comfortable. (Whether that's a pastor, a priest, or a rabbi, etc.) They should be able to perform a blessing on the home to rid it of any unwanted spirits. However, it is possible that you believe there is more than angels and demons. (My mother is Christian and feels this way.) Even still, if witchcraft or new age techniques are against your belief system, contact a priest/rabbi/pastor who can bless the house.  

  2. I don't believe in the paranormal, it's also against my religion to do witchcraft, but it may be all in your head. So just try to relax. I hope that everything goes ok. :)

  3. You're the only one who has migraine.

    There is no such thing as spirits.

    Plain and simple.

    Migraine does not always include pain.

    Plain and simple.

  4. If you suspect you're experiencing paranormal events, I would suggest the following:

    Keep a camera near, and when unexplainable things start to happen, just take a pic.  You might get lucky and capture something.

    Keep a recorder in the area where you're experiencing most of the activity only set it so that it runs only when there is noise.

    Depending on what you find, you could then contact a paranormal investigation team to come in and you would then have proof to substantiate your claims.

    And just fyi; Wicca is a religion.  The paranormal and witchcraft have nothing to do with each other.

    Good luck.

  5. embrace it...get evidence...write a book...make the don't have to split the profits with the spook...

    or you can call a busty ghost whisperer...

  6. Your paragraph is vague. What are your experiences anyway? By the way, in the Bible there are stories of spirits that weren't considered angels or demons.  

  7. maybe ur getting posessed! cmon thats insain. maybe u have the wrong religion

  8. Well, if you're indeed correct, you'd be the first one ever in history to have evidence for ghosts (spirits).

    More seriously: What exactly have you been experiencing? You are certain that these events could not be natural? How do you know?

    Even scientists don't claim to have such knowledge over all things natural, yet you are so confident...

    I suggest first trying to better define what it is you (think you) see. Then try to review the conditions around which these events happen (Is it late at night? Is it dark? Are you tired? Is it always in a particular room?)

    The point is to try to pinpoint a possible cause for these strange (to you) phenomena.

    Many strange things happen to all of us (more often than one would think, anyway), that we can't explain them all away is normal... but this doesn't mean there is no natural explanation.


  9. Here is what you need to do. Pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your family.By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect you and your family and to explain clearly why this is happening to you.Then whenever anything paranormal happens command that demon or demons to leave you and your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. Demons are very bad evil spirits and they often do paranormal things in order for you to get your attention so they can frighten you. Perhaps the demon could be drawn to the house you live in or the land that your house is on because they believe that it belongs to them. Also if somebody in the home is involved in the occult or has occultic items in the house that can attract them as well. Feel free to ask a pastor to come and bless your home. You can also ask him to pray for the safety of you and your family and  ask him for his advice. If a previous operson who lived in your house was involved in the occult it can attract demons to the house. Take care, if you need further help you can message me.

  10. Right now your question is to vague... So if you don't mind please drop me a line at and please explain everything that is going on.........................................

  11. Just get a Catholic Priest to perform a blessing or  a ritual that drives out demons or spirits from your house.

  12. a priest to bless the house and the meduim to help you understand whats going on.

  13. get  physic or priest

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