I'm fifteen and I've been diagnosed with severe depression. For over a year now, I've been feeling low for no reason. It's gotten worse all the time and I started withdrawing socially and having trouble sleeping. I got help for it and I tried counseling but I just couldn't talk. I've been on fluoxetine and risperidone for about a month now and they don't seem to be helping.
I'm sure there's something wrong with me apart from depression, which I'm definite I have. I am terrified every time I'm faced with a social situation - going to the shop, walking down the road, getting the bus, meeting new people. To the point where I'd just rather not go out because I get scared that people are looking at me and talking about me. I can't look people in the eye and I get really nervous when they look at me. I'm not independent at all, I've only ever gotten the bus on my own once because I'm so scared of walking down in front of everyone. I always take someone with me everywhere, I never go out alone. I'm even nervous around my best friend - who I used to be very close to. Because of this, I've been staying in instead of going out and I've drifted away from her. When I do go out, I get self conscious of things I'm doing e.g. walking and talking.
I also get paranoid about everything, sometimes stupid things. I feel like the people at Samaritans are laughing at me and belittling me when I write to them. I feel like my friends are going behind my back to betray me, and that they hate me. Not long ago, I accused my best friend of plotting against me because I seriously thought she was. I can't talk on the phone to anyone, not even if I know them because I'm terrified of it. I avoid situations like acting in school and meeting new people.
I have suicidal thoughts. I've attempted suicide before and ended up in hospital. I asked my Mum if I could go back, it's the only place I feel safe. I feel like I'll never get better because everything is still around me making me feel bad. I have weird thoughts like when we're driving I imagine myself grabbing the wheel and steering us in front of another car. I play it over in my head and wish it could happen, it scares me.
I'm sure it's not just depression. What's wrong with me? What do I do?