
I think there is a fragment of my disposable contact in my eye, what should i do?!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I took out a piece of it last night and couldn't find the other piece. I wasnt sure if it fell out or not. I went to sleep, and p[ut new disposables in, but sometimes i feel something a little sharp poking the corners of my eye! Wjat should i do?? all help is appreciated!




  1. you dont seem to be in any severe pain so see your optician tomorrow

  2. We always advise people in are optical practice if this happens to them to get it checked by an optometrist, or if the practice is closed go to an eye casualty. Better out that in.. A contact lens acts as a barrier between the eye and oxygen, so basically starving it. Although this will not happen over a short period of time..if you think all the lens is out and it actually isn't you can cause damage. Over a long period time you are at risk of infections, deposits can build up on the lenses which can lead on to other problems. Its nothing to be really worried about these problems would take weeks or months to occur, but don't just leave it thinking it might not be there..get it checked.

  3. First, take out the new contacts.  Flush your eye with some contact lense solution to try to get the fragment out.

    The piece should *probably* just come out on its own, and likely by the inner corner of your eye.  If it bothers you much longer, try going to the eye doctor for a quick look.  I would try not to rub the eye much, because that may scratch your eyelid or lens.

    It's not much different from getting an eyelash in your eye.  Your eye has protective measures and will get rid of a foreign body.

  4. Go to your optician. I had this and though the optician had a thorough look, a couple of days later I found the piece of contact lense come out of my eye. Keep flushing your eye and get it checked. It's quite uncomfortable isn't it?

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