
I think there is a ghost in my house, and I don't believe in ghosts, so what the heck is it??

by  |  earlier

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We have been noticing very very overwhelming smells that just occur, one night when we were in bed, the house really smelled like choc chip cookies were baking in the oven, and I never even use it! I did get up and look in it! Another time it was the smell of bananas! lol. we could even taste them just from breathing. Strange. This last time, it was saurkraut. Sure made me want to go get some!! Why would this happen. I live in a single unattached home. This stuff happens late at night and early morning.? Any thoughts?




  1. if you don't believe in ghost, why would you think there's ghost in your house? go to the neighbor and ask if they're making chocolate chip cookies, have bananas,  cooking saurkraut

    if there is ghost/spirit in your house and she/he is not doing anything harmful to you or anyone in the house, there's no need to worry.

    if you can taste the food by only smelling it. you're lucky. i'm always eating salty ham sandwich :( i can't cook

    if it is a ghost/spirit and is making these smell, maybe he/she wants you to buy/make these food

    or this ghost loves to cook or eat when he/she was still alive.

    make friend with this ghost/spirit and ask (do not demand or command) her/him to make some more food smell for you to breathe to taste. you don't get fat no matter how much you breathe. that house of yours is a heaven for those who love to eat

  2. did you have any realitives that died that did things like that cooked, maybe its them coming around you.. maybe they liked to cook things like you said you smelled....

  3. Probably a burglar eating while stealing your stuff.  

  4. I think you have the spirit of an elderly lady there. She doesn't want anything, she just likes the comfort of being there and thinks the smell of home baking makes everyone happy!  She feels from the Victorian era and cooking was her job. She has one of those white hats on they wore then  

  5. I'd explore all options before thinking your house is haunted.  Some times it's the most normal things that are happening.  

    But when there are no more explanations...  I'd think paranormal.

  6. the ghost of Julia Child ( the French Chef ) haunts your kitchen--  your lucky, you may want to start leaving what you want for breakfast out on the counter,  you may wake up to a gourmet meal

  7. I think you really need help from superstitious person or another persons that can help you to throw the interrupter..huhu..

  8. could be paranormal.

    thing is just because you dont believe in ghosts doesnt mean that they're not there.

    strong smells are a common form of communication for spirits

  9. Mmmmm, chocolate chip cookies and bananas! Not so sure about the saurkraut though.

    Look on the bright side at least it isn't one those ghosts that smells like rotting flesh!

    I would snap some pictures around the house with a digital camera when the smells occur and see what shows up. If something shows on the pics you might have something to work with.

  10. Well, it could be your neighbors cooking and it could be a ghost. If you look hard enough you can find the source of where it is coming from. Of all the times of ghosts from visitor ghosts to disturbed ghosts, no ghost can cause a smell. Only a cold or evil aura.

  11. I think if you look hard enough, you will discover the source of the smell.  Ghosts do not cook.

  12. um... i havent had ghosts that make you smell saurkraut and other food o.O


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