
I think there is no one to blame about global warming ? do you agree with me ?

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I think it's a natural phenomena and the sun is the one should we blamed am I right............




  1. I agree.  I think that it is very arrogant for people to think that we can influence the environment that much.  The earth has been around for billions of years, way before humans came along, and it has been changing all on it's own. Animal spiecies have come and gone without any help from us.  It's just the way it is.

  2. Mankind is to blame: The IPCC 2007 report states unequivocally that there is more than a 90% certainty that GW is man-made... sorry, no ducking this one!

    The IPCC is a UN body convened with the approval of all the world's governments; they were given the Nobel Peace Prize for this report. It would be hard to find a more credible source than this.

    But while I'm here:

    acbulldog -

    All planets/climates experience variation. This means that some must be warming while others must be cooling at any one time. What stage individual planets are in is random and unrelated - what is happening with Mars' climate has no correlation with what is happening here on Earth.

    Mike -

    The creator of the Weather (not Climate) Channel as a source for serious science? No, sorry - I prefer the world's leading climatologists (see above) over one TV producer.

    But nice to see that you have the sense to separate the debate/belief issue from doing sensible things to make our planet a cleaner place!

    Maggie -

    You're right that the world has been around for billions of years and has changed without us but I think it is arrogant and irresponsible of us to think that we can pump (for example) 500 billion metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere from combustion thus doubling the CO2 concentration and think that we don't have an influence - no other animal has ever done this. Even a big volcanic eruption doesn't come close (Mt. St. Helens released around 1 million tons) and we know they cause temporary climate effects.

  3. You're right.

  4. no.we destroyed the atmosphere

  5. NO !!! Global Warming is propagated by the Left and our teachers. The green house gas is not there....

  6. I don't think it is totally our fault that the climate is changing there are many things that can attribute to that (like the shifting of the earths axis due to a major tsunami).

    But I also don't think that we as humans should be so selfish as to drive our big trucks and SUV's around and just waste any and every resource we can get our little hands on.

  7. no that is not all true. we the people are pert of the reason global warming. we pollute and let gasses into the air and it all is part of the global warming.  we should blame not the sun but us. all the trash there is and all the gasses that are let out into the sky. But also the suns rays have also changed. The rays that are supposed to come then go are now just coming then staying.  we are the only ones who can stop this.

  8. No!

  9. you are very much right,  if people would look into it they would notice that mars is warming up too and that it is also losing its ice cap.  its just that us humans are very egocentric and we want to believe that we are powerful enough to change the climate.  but we have never beaten mother nature and we probably never will.

  10. No, you're incorrect.  Scientists have ruled out the Sun as the cause of the current warming.  See the link below for an explanation of how we know this.

  11. I'm not pointing fingers at the sun this time around.  Impolite first of all to point, especially at something that is as incredible as a sun must be!

    And while our sun is massive, and complex, the science accumulated in the last few decades point back to the activities of mankind.  The way we do business since the Industrial Revolution has accelerated natural cycles and is causing global climate change on a scale that the planet's inhabitants cannot cope with.  It's been a land of plenty, an Earth that has sustained us through thick and thin, but scientists forecast a very dire situation indeed unless action is taken very soon.

    My suggestion in learning about anthropogenic causes on this is to go back and study the atmosphere.  Once you've got that down, expand your earth sciences review to ocean circulation.  Then you'll begin to understand why some areas heat up, others cool, and what is happening that we can do something about.  We have it within our power to mitigate first, adapt 2nd.  If we do very little now, it will be adapt, adapt, adapt, and rather expensively, at that.

    A few links below that were helpful to me in learning the basics on this subject.

  12. This topic is one of those "Hot Button" issues that people feverishly debate.  There are actually two different issues at work but most people will not give the other side any credit so no one looks at it this way.  

    1) Global warming.  It is not man made.  It is a natural cycle and in fact the creator of the weather channel says Global warming is a farce.  Other scientists are stating that the Earth is actually cooler than normal.  The Earth does have cycles that man has absolutely no control over.

    However...And here is the catch...

    2) Just because global warming in not man or even real (depending on who you ask) doesn't mean that humans are off the hook.  We are responsible for taking care of our resources.  Global warming may not kill us, but poised water supplies, contaminated food, and mismanagement of our resources will.  Most fish has unhealthy levels of mercury, cattle and chickens are pumped up with steroids, crops are covered in pesticides.

    I may not believe in global warming or carbon credits, but I do believe we need to be better stewards of what God has given us.

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