
I think theres a ghost in my house........?????

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what should i do????i hear things when am time i heard a noise in the i ignored it cuz am used to it....then like a minute later some breathing came from my door....and the door was open....i and my sis got scared and left the house....when my mom arived she did not believe now am asking...




  1. maybe your house is too old or too new, newer houses make noises so the wood and dry wall can develop, older houses creak and moan, and plus it is your imagination, cuz the other day i saw this thing bout UFOs and i been paranoid, but i dont let silly lil paranormal stuff get to me, and spirits do exist, but they dont come to u and stuff, they giv signs, like angels, PICK ME FOR BEST ANSWER

  2. try and get some sound recordings on tape like they do in the show and go from there

  3. there are no such things as ghosts. the shows are fakes. it might just be someone trying to scare you.

  4. First you must determine if these are real or not.

    If they are real, find ways to communicate with these beings and ask their intentions.  If they are good, then just ask them politely to leave or just learn to live with them.  Maybe you can be friends with them.  If they are evil then you should sell your home or exorcize them.

  5. I had the same problem.  I keep Casper cartoons playing 24 hours a day on a spare tv in the kitchen.  They seem to like that, so it's a lot quieter except when they make the popcorn.

  6. Don't let your imagination fool you.

    I have the same thing.

    The noise is something that fell or move because the are about to fall.

    The breathing is probably an animal or the mailman, there is no such thing as ghosts.

  7. My apartment is haunted.  After I turn out all the lights before I go to bed, it doesn't take more than ten minutes before I start hearing my pots and pans clinking against each other and moving around on top of my stove top.  There have been occasions where the faucet in my bathroom has turned its-self on, and my stereo turns its-self on and off in the middle of the night fairly frequently.

    The good news is that usually when things like this happen, the ghosts are just trying to make themselves known-- they like people to know they're there.  Some are pranksters that just like messing with people's stuff and don't really mean any harm; some don't even know they're dead.  However, some "intelligent hunting's" have had cases that go bad.  Fortunately,  it's pretty rare for a ghost to take on poltergeist-like behaviors.  

    Normally, you can just say to the ghost, "Look, I know you're there and I'm fine with that.  Please, just don't do anything that could hurt us (those living in the house), and please don't break anything."  They normally listen.  This is what I did and it seems to be working like clockwork.

    If that doesn't work, you can always try coaxing them to "the other side"-- convincing them to go to "the light".  That works sometimes, too...

    And if none of that works and things get really bad, you can always try asking a priest of some sort to bless your house.  The violent ghosts can be flushed out if a full-blown exorcism has to be performed, but it very rarely needs to go that far.  Most ghosts will do what you ask.

  8. ot is only your imagination. those shows are lyers too. God works in mysterious ways. there are spirits though. satin is real satin can only be in one place at a time. he has domains that do that kind of stuff.

  9. OMG I FRICKING LOVE GHOST HUNTERS!!!!!! that show rox. well it really depends...your mind usually tricks you at night. try doing some evps (electrical voice phenomenom)

  10. There are no such thing as ghosts, but there are spirits. Spirits shouldn't be bothering us though, so you're fine. It's just an "imagination".

  11. Hide a camera and try to catch the "ghost" on tape.Also get a digital camera and take pictures of the rooms because if there is a "ghost" it will show on the digital camera.(I think a normal camera will also work)

  12. you could try getting your home blessed by a priest.  i have heard that it has worked in some cases.  and a few of my friends get their homes blessed before they move in.

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