
I think there’s another way out for the situation in Bangkok right now! What do you think?

by  |  earlier

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I mean people are talking about dissolving the parliament calling for another election, having the Prime Minister resign, changing the constitution to allow 70% appointee and 30 % elected MPs.

Another way out would be for the government to call for a national referendum putting all these options to the people’s decision. I mean the real people everyone eligible for voting (from age 18 up). PAD should stop all their protest at the moment and national referendum be called within a month time putting all options available to be decided by the total population of Thailand, and the government then would have the legitimacy to continue, or quit.

Referenda are done at times in many countries and is another way out that nobody in the country has talked about it yet.




  1. Let the people decide through a referendum to what system of government should be adopted.

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