
I think they're making fun of me behind my back?

by  |  earlier

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This one friend set me up with one of her close friends near the end of school and it didn't really work out and we decided to be just friends. Well anyways after we decided to be just friends while I was walking to safeway I saw the friend (the one that set me up) and we talked for alittle bit and she kept giggling every time I talked (btw she has a boy friend so no she doesn't have an attraction towards me). And then when I was walking the dog I saw a girl in a car and she was laughing at me (and she hangs with them).

Am I just being paranoid or are they making fun of me behind my back.




  1. just ask her whats so funny

  2. I don't think you're paranoid, but that is pretty weird. Next time you talk to one of them and they start giggling, just straight up ask them what's up. But don't ask it very seriously. Laugh about them. Maybe say, "OK, what do you keep laughing at? ha ha" or something like that. And say it with a smile on your face so they don't feel intimidated.;...

  3. Maybe you are just being a bit paraniod!

    I'm sure if u ignore them you wont notice it at all and its just that you think they are laughing at you so it makes you feel like they are making fun of you but I'm sure they're not!

    And even if they did you don't need  friends like that! :D

  4. It could be a mixture of the two.

    No friend should make you feel uncofertable.

    Maybe you should stop hanging out with them for a little bit and see what happens.

  5. I think you're over thinking things.

    If you are, then there's no problem.

    If they are laughing at you, they're not your friends! Simple as that.

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