
I think they should strip all her medals?

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to make an example and be fair to all others.,102564




  1. couple of medals wont hurt the lead

  2. If she is under age she should have them stripped and china should be fined big time. If they get away with cheating in anyway, it sets a bad example for all the countries and competitors

  3. It's a matter of fairness. The underage gymnasts should be stripped of their medals. If they don't that is hurting everyone, including the ones that SHOULD have received the gold medals.

    It has nothing to do with what country the athletes are from. I would say the same thing if the USA cheated.

  4. this does make a difference because the people who didnt cheat get the medals they deserve. it also proves how low china will get to win.

  5. I AGREE!

  6. ABSOLUTELY! anybody that cheats shouldn't benefit. I don't consider the athletes as victims since they lied. They know how old they are.

    Even if they are "victims" that doesn't mean they should keep the medal they got because they cheated.

  7. yeah they should take her medals away and ban her from future games. its not fair to everyone else that china is able to cheat when all other countries wait til their participants are 16.

  8. Yes, if the IOC finds out it is true they should take away her medals, just like they would do to anyone else, from any country, if they violate the rules.  Last night an American sprinter got disqualified for running out of his lane, he lost the silver medal.  

  9. Stripping of medals is the usually punishment for disqualification, and this certain earns a disqualification.

  10. That is exactly what they should do.

    Make her walk around with a sign saying what her crime was like the Chinese do to the people they find guilty of crimes.

    They are teaching her to cheat.

  11. i think that they shoud find out more information about this before everyone says to strip her medals away. and i heard about a thing on tv that says that it doesnt matter how old you are to compete in the olympics!!!!!!!!!!!! :) go China!!!!!!!!!!  

  12. I think they should because she is still young and not eligible for olympic though.. but what can you do? Every country that host Olympic will tend to 'cheat' a little. =)

    But after reading those comments that other people gaves, I slowly agree that USA tend to pick on too much faults in China hosting Olympic. OH GOSH! What happened to USA??

  13. well, how about the Americans?  let's ban Michael Phelps from future competitions also

    fair? don't make me laugh

  14. The should strip her medals.  She is only 14, so there is the possibility that she could compete in 2 more olympics.  Gymnasts almost never have that luxury because gymnasts usually retire around age 21.  It's not fair that she should have more opportunities to collect medals.

  15. If true, it will be a shame that China 'used' these little girls in that way. It will also be a most dis-honorable action from a nation that is supposed to pride itself on 'honor'. What a shame. The girls will be able to compete in London and they can win the golds fairly, if their bodies hold up the same that other 16 year old Olympians who were forced to wait have. Cheating is not ok in the Olympics. Especially government sponsored cheating. And definitely when that government is also hosting the games.  

  16. I feel they should take her meals also. That's only fair.

  17. Oh my goodness I just read this too. I really think that the Chinese goverment is horrible! And its not the girls fault and I am glad she is good enough to keep the medal but its not fair. They are allowing so many underage girls just by lying on pasports! I feel really horrible for those girls but it isn't right...they should wait the couple years till they can compete for real...but of course if they said no they prob would get killed my the gov. man things are messed up! Isn't the purpse of these games to unite the world together!!! Its just annoying that a country would cheat in these games...grrrr winning seriously isn't everything...its nice but jeeze! I really dont like cheaters!

  18. Please oh please someone give me something to look at, in any language. But so far they only say someone saw something on the internet. I can also say that last year I saw something on the internet that said Nastia Liukin is 12, but the page is gone now. That would be ridiculous wouldn't it? I am so curious. Don't tell me, show me!  

  19. I think many people are jumping to the forgone conclusion that she is under 16.  I think we should reserve judgment until the IOC finishes the investigation.  I think it is unfair to the little girl to make quick judgments.  Chinese girls tend to look much younger than they really are.  However, given the doubts a full investigation is merited.

    If they are found guilty, they should strip her of all her medals.  Ban the girl from competing in future Olympics and ask China to make a public apology.  It is a major embarrassment if the allegation are true.    

  20. I would do an investigation first. While she is probably too young, it is unfair to take away her medals without first doing an investigation.

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