
I think thing is it.... I hope and pray!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I check my ovulation calendar today and it said my period is due today but it hasnt come on yet. I'm hoping this is it... I'm so excited and a little suspious. I took a test yesterday and it was negative but I took it midday after drinking lots of tea. What do yall think?




  1. hmm well you could be pregnant!

    wait a week and then take another test :)

  2. if u took a test and it was neg, i think ur not pregnant..tests are pretty accurate now days, periods arent. u could be late for any reason. u could be stressing urself out about being preg so much that it throws off ur normal cycle. be patient and wait it out. if u are then congrats, if not its not the end of the world and theres always next month!

  3. Take another one in the morning with your first pee, 'cause that's when the pregnancy hormone is most detectable until you're further along. I took one and it was negative, then took another one 2 days later because I knew I was and it was positive. So take another one, and go to the doctor. And for the most part they do work if taken properly, but take more than one. The one I had taken at the doctors office was negative when I had take 3 positive one's. So make sure they take blood.

  4. your periods can always come late. tests dont always work. seek a doctor.

  5. People please listen!! you dont  get cramps and stuff like that at the beginning of pregnancy!!!!!!

    all you may get is missed period, short period, be more tired, maybe get headaches beacuse your body has to change to accomodate the baby!!!dont look for cramps..cramps may accompany a light patient and calm down..dont get upset if you arent will be soon..

    ps.are you taking your vitamins!!!start

  6. Wait two weeks...I know it sounds like an eternity but some times the stress may delay it....don't want you to be disappointed.

  7. I think that it is possible for you to be pregnant, however you should wait about 15 more days and take a pregnancy test to be sure. if you are not with child dont give up, stay strong and try not to stress because it will hinder your chances.

  8. Could be pregnant. Good luck. I'll say a prayer for you =]

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