
I think this is quite ironic, how about you?

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As parents we want to toilet train our children so we can stop changing nappies and having to clean up poo. But inevitably when you get to that stage you are still wiping bottoms and cleaning up poo. I realise that going in the toilet makes the clean up easier........but still ironic!!




  1. but you wont have to spend monny on diapers anymore =)

  2. I do agree with's a stepping stone to them doing it on their own. I would rather have them on that stepping stone then still having them in diapers! ;)



  3. LOL... I agree.

    In fact, I have now toilet trained 4 children and my 2 year old is starting to show signs of being ready but I am dreading it. In some ways nappies are so much easier - especially when you are going out!

  4. Right on Meppa...!!  I'm witcha!  LOL!

  5. lol.

    thats very true!

  6. stryder has it exactly right, would you rather go through that stage, or have them in diapers forever?

  7. Yes but its worth the extra effort, it helps with independence and $$$ on nappies

  8. Lol, I am hanging out for Brodie to be out of nappies!

    Messy, but think of all the money we will save! I'm excited about it already . . . . he's two . . . . the end is nigh.

    My kids are great at wiping their own bottoms, (7 and 4), I don't even need to supervise. Quite clean toilet goers my 4 men, miracles DO happen!!

  9. We spend the first 12 months teaching them to walk & talk. Then the next 12 years telling them to sit down and shhh up.

    Ironic really..............

  10. Don't you think it ironic that when we are elderly we will loose our bodily functions easily.  

    So in turn when we were babies we had our parents wipe our butts and wee wees, when we are elderly we have someone come and wipe our butts etc.

    So it goes.

  11. But it is the stepping stone to get the child to going to the bathroom in a self-sufficient way, so that you ultimately don't have to continue cleaning dirty butt.  A means to an end.  

    What i think is ironic is that eventually as we get older, our children then have to start wiping our bum on the toilet, and eventually have to start helping change OUR diapers.  Now, that is irony!  

  12. Hmm, good point!

    This is really gross, just to warn you.  But right after my son learned to wipe himself, I heard him call me into the bathroom one day.  I went in to  find him proudly smiling up at me, saying, "I wiped all by myself, Mommy!"  He had in fact wiped by himself - but he forgot to tear the paper off of the roll before doing so.  Yeah, it was pretty gross.

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