
I think this is the month! *Screams!!*?

by Guest66923  |  earlier

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Im such a boob-I cant remember anything from baby 1 or 2-I didnt care so much about getting PG.

I am asking another "question" LOL. I am currently 5 dpo and tonight I began to feel some slight cramping. Nothing like AF but some tightness in my abdomen. Do you think its Implantation!? I did go swimming for 30 min with my daughter (3 time a week normally and never had any cramping),

At 5 dpo the following are happening::

I have bouts of alternating feeling constipated and then having normal BMs.

Plus and increase in gas .(Sorry TMI)

I did check my cervix and it was so high I was just barely able to reach. Its soft and high with a slight opening (could be from 2 previous births),

I seem to be breaking out. Im a ways from AF. But could this be the month!?!? Here is my chart from FF.




  1. I'm not sure but baby dust anyway!  Just wait a little while longer and test like the rest of us have to.

  2. heaps of people will tell you 5ddop is too sooon to feel anything but i SWEAR...only 4 days past ovulation i was crampy and had sore b***s..... i neva had that before...

    gas does incrase youll burp and feel tummy moving all the time

    breaking out is also a of luck!!! and if you are congrats!!

    but dont test till your due...i tested 4 days before got a neg..tested on day got pos:)

  3. lol sounds promising but it is still too early...I am 10/11 dpo (depending on when the egg dropped)  And I am had symptoms up the wazoo too...scared its AF playing mind games.  I took a dollar store hpt last night...NEGATIVE...i hope i am not out of the game yet and that i just tested too early.  I am not going to test any more until I am LATE (AF is due on the 1st of aug)  So i wont test until she comes or the 6th.

    good luck and baby dust

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