
I think this maybe my fault, is it ?

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My little sister is 6 and I am 17 my cousin who is the same age as me has a boyfriend now and my little sister was saying how cute he was and how she wants to marry him etc... and when we told her he was Danielle's boyfriend she went in the corner and when we went to go see what was wrong she said he broke her heart, I've had boyfriends and I am sure I've said stuff like that before am I turning my sister in to this boy crazy 6 yr old?




  1. haha. 6 year olds. my brother wanted to marry me when i was 6. let her think that oh, shes in love with him, but she is not. shes just being your average 6 year old, thinking that since shes in school, or w.e she wants to fit in and like a boy, too. shes settled down on your cousins' boyfriend. to me, it seems kinda cute the way she thinks she loves him. shes just being a 6 year old, so dont worry. let her grow, she'll get sick of ANY boy she talks to for more than 20 minutes. and who knows? maybe its cool in her grade to flirt and that shabang. kids these days..


    - <3

  2. No. It is no-ones fault. She is just being a typical kid and having innocent fun. At 6 years old, i doubt she even knows what flirting is. Her intentions different then how you see them. Try and think back to when you was her age. How much did you know about dating etc.  

  3. no its not your fault girls are boy crazy and like to flirt, she will probably grow out of it, but dont think its your fault... you didnt do Anything wrong, just told her the truth

  4. she is 6 yr old she is just showing off, she is prob tryin to be like you.

    I wouldent worry about it she will grow out of it.

  5. This is normal behavior.  Just don't treat her like she is anything but a 6 yr old.  When I was her age I had an older cousin (20 something) whom I simply adored.  He said he was going to wait for  When he fell in love and got married I was crushed!  Two days later I was fine....but I still remember it!  She is probably mimicing what she sees you do.  Have a chat and let her know that she has a bit of growing to do yet....boys are a pain and can

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