
I think this was impolite. What do all of you think?

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I had a friend who lived in a university apartment and two of her roommates were in the living room. They were talking together, and my friend, who was in the living room too, tried to ask questions/participate. They told her it was a private conversation and would not share details. But why would you have a private conversation in front of your roommate and in the living room. I would step outside or into my private room for a private conversation. Is it impolite to have "private" conversations in the living room? Or are some people just raised differently?




  1. idk if its impolite but it is rude i mean they were like, thats none of ur business... so what ? it doesnt matter how u were raised u cant be rude

  2. It was indeed rude to have a "private" conversation in your presence.  And the fact is, your presence makes it possible for you to inadvertently overhear "private" details.  There is an unwritten rule in social interactions that anyone within earshot like that is entitled to participate, and your housemates violated that rule by not including her.

  3. Yes, very rude and immature.

  4. It was very rude and impolite to carry on a private conversation when someone else was in the room.

  5. It's not impolite to have a "private" conversation in a public place, if it is just the people talking. So, in general, it is not impolite. In context of the situation you described, however, yes, it is very impolite. Your friend was just trying to be friendly . . . she had no idea that the conversation was "private". Which is probably wasn't, they were most likely trying to shut her out. Anyway, if it really was "private", they should have used one of their bedrooms to communicate in.  

  6. If the conversation was private, it should have been conducted in private. These two room mates are ill mannered brats.

  7. Sounds like they're in 3rd grade.  Your friend should have just laughed and said "Okeyyy, anyone want graham crackers and milk before naptime?"

  8. It all depends on how a person say it. If they feel bad while they're saying it then I understand. but, to have a "private" conversation in front of people where they can hear doesn't seem so private to me! it was rude when u think of it...

  9. It wasn't her conversation, she just inserted herself into it. Just because they were in the same room, doesn't mean it meant for everyone in the room to participate.

    I don't think they met so much as private as in , "this is our conversation, not yours".

  10. You are right.  It was rude and immature!

    I once discussed a coworker's laziness (Bobby) with someone (Kathleen) and I asked the opinion of a third person standing with us (Michelle).  She said, "I am not a part of this conversation."  So, I continued the discussion with Kathleen.  Later, Michelle had told Bobby everything I said!  So, apparently, she WAS "a part of the conversation".  I was shocked that she had done this after having said she was not a part of the conversation.  

    My dad always said, "Anybody's cabable of anything."

    He is so right.  It's amazing what people do.


  11. it is always rude to have a conversation without including someone that is near .And even ruder for them to say it was  private.

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