
I think this woman is so brave, a true inspiration to better parenting?

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I would do exactly the same if my children where bad ar*es




  1. I disagree,

    having a grass for a mum is not my idea of family loyalty.

  2. I couldn't agree more,I watched her interview on the TV this morning,she had tears in her eyes,my heart just went out to her.

    Apparently her family have ostracised her,she doesn't deserve that,she is a good hearted woman who just wants to do the right thing.

  3. I agree! Good for her, that really took courage!

  4. I completely agree with the thread starter.  

    What this mother did has nothing to do with being a "grass" - it was all about showing people that what they are doing is simply wrong.

    Think about it another way - if Ian Huntley had got away with Holly's and Jessica's murders but then his mother found proof that he did it, would you still think it was grassing if she had gone to the police?

    This woman deserves everyone's support for what she did.

  5. Yes, the lady deserves to be admired !

  6. It just shows you what the rest of her family must be like to cut her of like that she should have some kind of gov recognition to encourage other parents to do the same good for her I say, and I hope for her sake the rest of her family come to there senses and do right by her.

  7. Are you mad ascoile?? Family loyalty is sticking up for your kids or whoever when they're being bullied, not letting them run riot beating up anyone they meet. I think this lady is really brave and should be given a medal, I hope her sons get the same in prison!!

  8. Good on her for doing the right thing. I would have done the same and I wouldn't care about any members of my family disowning me. As parents it is our responsibility to bring them up properly knowing right from wrong and respecting other people. Hopefully, this story may encourage other parents whose children, whatever age they are, to do the same thing.

  9. Good on her for doing what she did although if she'd brought them up a little better in the first place they wouldn't even have done it.

  10. I have done the same - my child was only 13 years old at the time of imprisionment.

    I am not an example to better parenting nor brave. I am an honest and truthfull person, who knows right from wrong and have taught my children that actions have consequences.

    Why does this woman need to sit on tv advertising the fact all her children have disowned her? Surely out of all the children she has, at least one of them would have the same moral standard as her?

    I wonder what sort of parent she was "prior to her 15 minutes of fame"

  11. a big fat yes.this lady deserves massive respect!

  12. Yes she does deserve respect. She must have had to overcome what is most mother's basic instinct, to protect their children come what may, to do this.

    I certainly don't envy her, because no matter how brave she is she will still be villified by people who will say, 'how could she do that to her own children' or 'well it's her fault she must have been a bad mother to produce sons like that'.

    I don't think she can win.

  13. Ignore the comment from Ascoile - you will see he/she is the only one with such a view.  This lady sent her sons to prison for two years for a hideous crime, she has not beaten them, starved them, or even disowned them. She is still sticking by them, but teaching them that what they did is so unacceptable only a prison sentence fits. I am quite disgusted that when she saw her sons they said they don't understand why she did that - it seems even being in prison has not helped them feel remorseful for what they did.  Poor woman, I think she should move well away before their release and start a new life elsewhere, he current family sound utterly unsupportive an cruel.

    If more parents did this, then the world would surely be a better place to live in. If I recall correctly, the parents of the lad who killed Jimmy in the bakers shop a couple of weeks ago, also shopped him. Good on them all I say. I would do exactly the same if any of my kids did such an awful crime. Obviously it would break my heart, I would explain to them why I had to report them, and could only hope that they came out of prison reformed.

    Everyone is saying that parents need to take more responsility for their kids actions - Acoile - what exactly do you think the mum should of done? Hidden them away and covered up their crime? Crimes like this are becoming more and more frequent, and parents like this are the only way to stop it increasing further.

  14. What a brave lady, it shows she has morals in this day and age, after her sons boasted about what they'd done to that poor man who is currently still having problems and is going to be blind in one eye for life, she deserves respect!

    It cant of been easy at all and shes clearly suffering for what shes done, her sons got 2 years of which they will proberbly serve half of that, i hope there having a good think about what they've done and feel remorse, no one wants thugs in our daily lives, the country is getting worse and needs more parents like her who actually care what their children get up to!!

    She has my respect!

  15. I think she has done the right thing. So many parents turn a blind eye to their children's behaviour. They always say, "not my wee angel". I also agree with one of the previous answerers, perhaps if she had taken more care whilst bringing her boys up, they would not have been in such a stupid situation.

  16. Having read what people are saying, I still fail to see her motives for doing this. Yeah it was a public spirited act but mothers as a rule protect their children irrespective of what they have done. Was there a family rift, we don't know as we've only got her side of things. To put a lid on this I find it strange and yes they did deserve to be punished.

  17. I feel for her! She did the right thing and now the rest of her family are punishing her for it! On top of that, the convicted sons only got two years, so they'll be out in about 15 months!

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