
I think too much what other people will think of me?

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I dont know why but i think sooooo much over little as things!! I mean i am scared to do little things, cos i think too much what other people think of me, if i do that etccc WH??? Why do i thinkkkk sooooo muchhhh! I should just live my life to the fullest and how i want to live my life and stop caring about other people, i am sure these people are soo into their lives that they dont even care about me and what i do!! :-(




  1. Learn to love yourself first and then others will to.

  2. this is just normal my dear, this is human nature, all of us are scared of the society and people around deep within our heart, some just hide it, some fall prey to it. develop a dont care attitude, they dont make u eat-drink-dress, they dont feed u, they dont pay for u, so they have no right in your life, so dont care about what they feel! Sorry if I am rude, but thats the truth.  

  3. I completely understand. I live in a small town and for years I did the same thing. You will ALWAYS care to an extent what people think of you. You're only human!

    But sometimes you just need to build up your own confidence to sometimes take the satisfaction away from the people doing it to you. Get a new hairstyle, new clothes. Be BOLD. Be yourself. If people don't like you, oh well. It took knowing my friend. He doesn't let people know that he cares what they think- but I really know he does. But it actually attracts people to you. Trust me. In the end you will make friends who like you for you and it benefits you. Slowly make a transition to making you feel comfortable about YOURSELF- then you'll be like "I know I'm pretty likable or pretty good looking" or w/e. then those stupid clones around you won't matter anymore. they're jsut jealous they don't have the confidence to do the same.

  4. Always remember two type of people always fail in their life,  First type are those who think but don't work, and second are they work but they dont think,

    So let you access your self of which type you are?

  5. You need to find a fine line between worry and care about others thoughts.  Or find some new friends.

    I hear some venting in your description. Meaning you were hurt by a friend or romantic.

    Anyway. There is one person you need to worry about and care about fully. It is YOU! You will find out later you may come a close second and your spouse is #1 in your mind most of the time. That's the way it is with my wife and kids.

    You should RESPECT others thoughts as they should of yours.

    But the only person who has to live with your decisions is YOU.

    It's great that you care what people think but you don't want their thoughts to control you.

    If yourfriendss are, as you say, "soo into their lives that they don't even care about me anyway" then it is time to get new friends. But stop and think is this anger saying this or is it FACT. We all go through spells where we worry about other people.

    I live by a few  thoughts that may help:

    Those who anger you, control you.

    Don't sweat the small stuff...and guess what? It's all small stuff.

    Don't worry about what you can't control.

    Smarter, braver people than us have been brought to their knees because they worriedaboutu things they could not control...especially the opinions of others.

  6. ur answer is in th ques itself read

    u knw wht is right but not allowing ur heart to do it

  7. Please come out of your self-consciousness.

    Thinking about your self always will make you insecure. Please go through the following:


    If you want to cure yourself of insecurity, keep these comparisons in mind constantly:

    What you should avoid:

     Taking trivial matters to heart

     Acting on the spur of the moment

     Getting upset and offended quickly

     Becoming emotional and impatient

     Craving sympathy

     Being slow in getting down to work

     Trying to do too many things at once.

    What you should aim at:

     Taking only serious matters seriously

     Acting only after calm reflection

     Realizing others probably mean no harm

     Always maintaining an even temperament

     Standing on your own feet

     Acting promptly and with decision

     Tackling jobs one at a time, and finishing them

     Treating your work as a pleasure

     Looking always for the underlying causes of your distress

  8. omggg i'm totally like you! haha really. like i don't want to say/do some things because i'm scared of what they'll think of me. i need help to! :( lol i would help you but i'm in the same situation. i promised myself to just do something I want to do.. and not care what other people think but it doesn't come as easy to some of us!

    but something to always think about:

    "do what you love because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

    good luck! :)

  9. i'd just let it go. like you said, i wanted to live my life to the fullest too. so i'd stop caring so much about what people say or think about me. cos if i always do that, then my life will revolve only around other people's thoughts. if you care too much bt what they think, then you would have to the tendency to change yourself. and then you wouldnt be you. you wouldnt have your own unique personality. maybe you should try this for one day. do what you want to do and dont let anyone get into your mind. at the end of the day, you'll realise it feels so good to be you and only thinking about you.

  10. That means u feel inferior to others. Get over that. It's ur achievements whichmake u important in the eyes of others. It's better to be little introvert than extrovert. These r extroverts who always look for friends. Surely all need friends but one or two r enough or at the most 4. Seek friendships with ur equals who care 4 u and u 4 them.

  11. I used to be like you but then I read "How to stop worrying and start living" book by Dale Carnegie. It is a very inspirational, it changed the way I think.

  12. Trust me, you're not the only one out there ;)

    First, understand that even if you do think too much over things, at least you're thinking/caring! Some people toss it out, and sooner or later they regret it. Now I'm not saying you WON'T regret whatever decision you've made, cause you might.

    Second, when you think about things, write down all of your options (clean sheet of paper and a nice sharp pen or pencil). Then, find pros and cons about them. Figure out what some of the outcomes might be, like what your friends might think or siblings. Find one that you're good with and it should set you on a smooth path. If you really try, it actually works.

    Hope this helps!

  13. I'm the same exact way. I deal with my insecurities this way, when I talk trash to myself, for example "God, you look terrible. people must think you are disgusting." I give that "voice" a name and a personality. Mine is called Brandi, and she is a ditsy blonde. It makes it easier to approach that side of myself and say, "Hey, s***w you."

    I also care so much about what others think because I believe others opinions are more important than mine. It's hard to overcome, but in the end it's all about your self esteem. work on those insecurities and the more you love yourself, the less you look to others for approval! Hope this helps.

  14. You know it's very healthy to care about how people view you and what people think of you....Even Jesus asked the disciples what people were saying about him...Now when you are consumed or controlled by what people think...Look at the areas of self-esteem and self-worth...on a scale of 1 to 10, one being the lowest and ten being the highest; where would you say you are? Are you OK with who you are? If the answer is no? Ask that self question..who am I? Don't answer with your name, I ask who are you? Are you loving, caring, patience, long suffering, funny, understanding, supportive..etc? When you can learn to become OK with who you are and appreciate all your faults and short comings then it doesn't matter what people think...because you,  like you. Notice I say learn to love you..this doesn't happen overnight. You are right...people have enough to worrie about their own life to be concerned with yours. I would also look at...where at in your life you don't feel accepted and why do you feel this way? What has caused you to feel so insecure about you that you care so much how you are viewed by others and if they accept you are not. How is your relationship with your you seek their acceptance and approval? I hope I've helped..I'ved enjoyed responding....OleCoop.

  15. i'm just like you..

    and i'm really annoyed bout myself..!

    i can't help but to think about what other people would say to what i do or whatsoever...

  16. I am like you   then i think we can become good friends & share our troubles.

  17. i feel the same well used to. just forget about them its hard i know but never think about it. do what makes you happy, life isnt abot pleasing other people. good luck

  18. Im the same. Im 6 ft 2 and very insecure about how people look at me. If im going shopping dad will mention that someone was staring at me blah blah. I dont go for walks unless i have my ipod with me which is something you could do. Try to listen to some music while your out if your out by yourself. Try not to focus on how other people think of you  

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