
I think wee could help burley ....c`mon what position do you play in your heyday?

by  |  earlier

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i`m free for one of the p.e teacher always told me i was deceptively slow....




  1. I actually was a keeper, and not bad to boot. As I was the height I am now when I was 13/ 14, I was always among the taller, and being a show off, made for being a keeper.

    Pulled off some classics, let in some howlers.

    So, all in all, the perfect choice as keeper.

  2. ive played out on the right wing because of my pace but im far better at the back, either the right or the middle.

    big hatchet man, me.

  3. played pro 16 yrs ,been retired 6 .so me for right mid feild .Chas ,how old are you? Iknow some guys who played for kilsyth. what year

  4. i could play sub..wasn't too bad a right back but only schoolteams etc never any better than that

  5. Centrehalf.

    Nothing would get by us chas.Well they might but they be in the air when they do.

    Think I have a scottish great great great granny .

  6. I'll be 'ATHEIST GOALIE''

  7. right back and right midfield.very quick and tackled like jonah lomu,but twice as hard.

  8. Goal attack...

    sorry netball lol... although I was quite handy with a hockey stick too but too much of a wuss to play football.

    husband calls me Sebo when I am near a football...can't think why

  9. I can play any position, left, right or centre other other than as a striker but if he thinks I'm too chubby i'll go in goals.

    No wait, sorry, I cant. I'm injured

  10. I used to kick, sorry play against Owen Archdeacon who went on and played for Celtic in the 80's.  Steve McCahill too, anyone remember him ?  He played for Dumbarton on the Saturday V Celtic in the cup, had a good game, and they signed him on the Monday.  I played in what you may call a defensive midfield role.  In those days the manager never called it that.  His instruction usually went something like "Right, their number ten makes everything happen, tackle him as hard as you can, as soon as you can, but don't get sent off".  Which really meant, "Go out and cripple the poor bugger, the ref will either be miles away, or blind as a bat".

    ahhh, the memories........

    Are you looking for a 'defensive midfeilder' Struth ?

    I'm yer man !

  11. I have played striker and in defence. I like scoring goals.

  12. i used to play centre half.junior football level.played with kilsyth for a wee while,played with poorer junior teams(royal albert,blantyre celtic etc etc etc.and amateur be honest,caused myself enuff trouble with sending offs,bookings etc.visited junior fitba headquarters a few times


    never played in the blantyre derby struthie.wasny guid enuff to be honest.well past ma best when i went there

    was found oot at kllsyth cos they were the fittest guys i ever knew.i wasnt one of them.knew gary arbuckle and danny,christ i canny mind his second name.

  13. ma da said i was like a skinny bobby murdoch 20 years ago now i'm more like maradona wee and fat but you never lose it you just get slower.i'll go down to ma ma's tomorrow and get my old pair of patrick boots oot of the loft..............last in

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