
I think you should watch this

by  |  earlier

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i found somthing intresting and you might wanna see its this movie that tells you about alot. What i found intresting was their thinking about puting Chips in your body wich has like all your information and stuff i just wanted to share because i think this is important that others should know about




  1. thanks man.

    Im not sure if u read ur bible, but if u read what Jesus told his disciples when they asked "What should we do?", he told them to wiat in the city for a man carrying a bucket of water. The astrological sign for that is Aquarius. (luke 22:10)

    Also, Jesus was the Age of Pisces, or the two fish with a rod connected to their mouth. Wasnt it Jesus that befriended two fisherman and said "Come let us go, i will make u fishers of men."? And didnt he feed the multitudes with 2 fish and a loaf of bread?

    True indeed, thats why Jesus keeps telling his disciples that he'll be with them "To the end of the Age"

  2. The spititual part is waaayyy offbase.Been studying the NWO for many years.Verichip implants are already in thousands of people.Time is short.  

  3. I think you should watch this...

    It's completely unrelated, but what the h**l...

    I'll watch yours if you watch mine...


    Wow--that's a full length movie! Give us more time...we'll let you know what we think!

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