
I think you will be shocked or laugh on me to lesion my ?

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I think you will be shocked or laugh on me to lesion my problem which I am going to tell you .I am very pessimistic person I don’t know why but I am .& all bad incident which I thought in my mind and all my bad dreams which I saw in night all (90 %) comes true . I don’t want this. I feel fear all time (24 hours) .what should I do? Should I consult to doctor ?




  1. why dont u c some indian politicians dying.  and  millitants dying.  please c it please dream smthng bad for bad people. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees

  2. No need to eel fear. This is called sixth sense. Try to sit in Meditation and talk to Almighty, request to stopped bad dreams and ask for good dreams. This will help you building your Speritual level.

  3. i think u dont need to cunsult a doctor

    u just need a break..

    dont worry of the dreams just take it on your luck..

    n let all thingz be handeled by god

  4. You must see a doc urgently.

  5. if u would call me than i can sort out your problem, your problem is not very high, plz call me09350479971, or buzz me at vishu_bharal, dont worry, i will definitly help u


  7. You are gifted, you anticipate the things even before they happen. cause your mind works all out for you. so i think you are really intelligent person. Problem is you just are little to much negative.

    Its the mind which is beautiful and its is the one which is ugly as well. it will make you think what you want to think. it will ask you to look at things which you want to look at. let go of your mind and think different. its like reverse psychology. You need a doctor to explain it to you or a good frient who understands you very well. although some one telling you soemthing or preaching you will never help as you need to change your own self completely. so try and get yourself together and control your mind.

    Good luck

  8. wtf????

  9. deeya , consult a doctor immediately...and start yoga.

    make your self engage all the time to avoid the fear.

    and be religious, it will help you. all the best.

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