
I thinking of starting my own business, wat business,trade should i do, how shld i go abt it, how 2 finance?

by  |  earlier

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, how to get finance, loans from banks , or venture capitallists, or any Government assistance programs for SME s, EDB funds, EDB grants, EDB fundings for SME s, also ????? thanks




  1. i second that. . .truly.

  2. Check out the facts first. more than 90% of business fail. So why do you want to come it? The businesses that survive are those that perserver, perserver and more perservance. Do something that you really really like. That way, it makes that perserverance so much easier. Also, not easy to get loan. Those guys only invest in businesses that are growing or has proven that they will not close shop the next day. That's the irony of business - when you need money, they don't want to lend. When you don't need it, they all queue up to lend it to you. Go figure...

  3. You should become a drug dealer. Now that's a good business to go into.

  4. One that doesn't have to do with spelling.

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