I have been watching these shows on RFDtv on natural horsemanship techniques and how to "strengthen the relationship with your horse". Yes, I'll admit, what I see these guys doing is something that I could never IMAGINE to get my horse to do now, but their ways of accomplishing it seem so fake and mean. I've seen people like Clinton Anderson, Craig Cameron, and a few others get on tv, act like they just got on the horse for the first time that day, and they made the horse do "this" and "that" by just doing these "simple easy steps". Yet, the entire time I watch this I'm looking at the horse and they're huffing and puffing and look miserable. I've only seen one person that can show you how to accomplish the same thing, more even, only do it in a kind way that looks fun for both horse and owner. Pat Parelli. He is playing GAMES with the horses, and you can even SEE how they would build a trusting relationship. Are there other clinitions out there who, like Pat, aren't down right fake?