
I thought Amerika was a free country?

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Why can't we take drugs if we please?




  1. From the way you spell "America", you sound as though you should be living where drugs and druggies are tolerated.  In our country, they are Illegal because they are mind-bending crutches that people who can't cope use to get through stuff.   A person who is high is a menace to society, a drag on his family, and a lousy employee.  Many become serious criminals to feed their habit. And, we ARE "free" to make laws that benefit society!

  2. In the Netherlands, people can smoke pot in cafes.

    I think the real realize why pot is not legal in the USA, is because the pharmaceutical industry wants to push THEIR version of medical marijuana to the public.

  3. Ain't it a ***** (female dog)!  You can't rape the neighbour's daughter either.  I bet she says, "Thank God!"

    You can't go on a shooting spree either.  Run naked in the streets.

    Besides we don't need more junkies on our streets.

    Our freedoms are defined and protected by our laws.

    Yeah you can smoke pot in certain cafes in the Netherlands but cigarettes are illegal.  Ummm.

  4. it was free until you came along you dum buck.

  5. because our government don't want you die to soon

  6. First there is no country named Amerika.  In the United States of America there are some drugs which are deemed 'legal' which you can ingest until it kills you.  There are drugs deemed 'illegal' which you can ingest until it kills you. If you caught possessing these drugs prior to ingesting you will be arrested.

    If you really want to take drugs, take them.  It's your body, destroy it with drugs if you want to.  That's a freedom you do have in the US.

  7. same reason suicide is illegal. its just plain stupid.

  8. Freedom doesn't mean law breaking.

    I can't ***** that I'm living in a "free" country and can't go shoot drug dealers. Although....

  9. Citicop is right on with his assessment.

    If you wish to listen to Peter Tosh while getting high, you can; just understand for society to function certain behaviors are proscribed until the democratic process determines otherwise

  10. Social Contract.

    You give up some of the unlimited freedom you would have in nature in exchange for the ability to live in a civilized society.

    It's a democracy though, feel free to work to change the law to suit you.  It's the beauty of America.

  11. Kiddies, can you say " R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S ????""""

  12. America is a free country; however, people are not provided complete information sometimes.

    Essentially; because it is bad for you, why would someone want to harm themselves? It is a responsibility to make informed decisions.

  13. Hey Im with you there. I would prefer it if the government limited its role to preventing me from harming you (real harm not hurting your feelings) or subjecting you to imminent danger (i.e. drink driving).  I know that drug users are dangerously irresponsible people as evidenced by the fact that they use illicit drugs. I feel the same about smokers and alcoholics by the way. But I do not believe that government laws prohibiting their use has done anything to curb their use and thereby protect me. It has only increased the power of government. And I do not believe than decriminalizing that use will result in a massive number of new users. I personally don’t know of anyone who is just dying to use drugs but wont do so because its illegal. For me the best police authority in the world in absolute and unequivocal individual responsibility.

    Make the drug user personally liable for any and all of the negative effects of his behavior and suddenly you will get less of that behavior. People engage in irresponsibility behavior because they know that if things should go wrong, someone else will make them whole via a law suit or taxpayer funded program. Stop incentivizing the behavior and for some inexplicable reason it diminishes. q***r indeed.

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