
I thought Britain was a democracy... deosn't that mean the government works for the voter..?

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So why do they keep telling us what to do..?

Why do we keep letting them get away with false promises of referendums..?

Why is a labour government making it harder for people on low wages..? Bringing in immigrants that work for less than minimum wage.. Allowing the excessive rise of fuel and energy prices draining the finances of those on already tight budgets..?

They have the power to control the taxation and cap the profits on these over zealous corporations.. Even to seize control and nationalise them.

When are people going to stop just turning a blind eye and do something..?




  1. Anytime you have a bourgeois democracy, like in the US, you have in effect a bourgeois dictatorship. You dont see any working class or middle class people becoming president. You dont even see a working class political party. All parties and candidates belong to the super wealthy bourgeoisie

  2. That is far to complicated a question to answer on here, but here goes.

    point 1>>>> they don't tell us what to do, they set out laws and guidelines which try to accomodate everyone( hard thing to do)

    point 2>>>> that's just the way politics work's ( you can stop them< it's called voting)

    point 3>>>> i take it from your statement that you were not working before the minimum wage was introduced, millions of low paid workers have benefitted from the NMW, some rate of pay before this were criminal,,£1.50--£2.00 ph... The majority of immigrants that come into this country are doing jobs that traditionally British workers have not wanted too do. Fuel is an issue, and i agree that it should be cheaper than what it is now but, if the government lowered tax on fuel, it would only have to raise that money from somwhere else ie: income tax- vat and so on.

    point 3>>>> they don,t have the power to make the oil company's lower there prices because they are a private company not publicly owned.

    point 4>>>>>>  USE YOUR VOTE

  3. Beacuse all the industries you mention, generate billions of pounds in taxation and the fat cats cream it off.

  4. Democracy is a long dead word in Britain. I and many others despair of ever having a non corrupt government, or local council for that matter. There is corruption from the top to the bottom amongst all politicians. National government members are intent upon feathering their own nests at the expense of us idiots that put them there, Blair and Brown as the prime fiddlers and cheats should be made to answer for their greed.

    At local level, 5 weeks ago I wrote to my local M.P. I also sent 3 identical letters to my local councillors. These letters were expressing concern about the degeneration of the area in which I have always lived. Lawlessness, no policing, illegal immigrants, drugs on sale openly in broad daylight.I received a reply from my M.P. and one of the local councillors, the other two couldn't be bothered to reply, or so I thought. I have found out since that they are related and that the main drug dealer in the area is their nephew !!!!! What the h**l is the use of bothering when scum like this are supposedly "representing" the people of the community !!!!!

  5. It is NOT a democracy, technically democracy doesn't exist. Think about your idea of a democracy and then compare that to the government. Did the people vote Gordon Brown in as leader? No, it's because he's in the Labour Party and they're in power. So, did the people vote Labour in as the leading party? No, the last election had a voter turnout of maybe 40% of the voting population at best; even if ALL those people voted Labour that's still less than half the voting population, so they got in with a winning minority. You could argue statistical representation, but as Disraeli put it "there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics".

    The problem is that most people believe one of two things, either:

    The party they would vote for won't win so why bother voting.


    They're ALL a bunch of lying, greedy, two faced, inhuman b*stards so it really doesn't matter too much which one wins.

    It will only change when a party emerges that actually appeals to the common voter and manages to persuade them that change is on the horizon and all they have to do is get up and vote. And that's just not going to happen in the near future.

  6. I'm afraid that in all so-called "Western democracies" it's the big business who owns politics and the politicians of all parties.

    In Britain Labour only became successful after ditching their socialist past and starting to howl with the wolves, thereby totally losing its identity.

    I'm Irish, and we have the concept of the "gombeen man" for a long time. That's what todays politicians are (excluding Tony Benn, Clare Short and Joe O'Higgins);-)) They are so far apart from the ordinary lives of the majority that they don't even know how the average person lives and what their concerns are.

  7. The only answer is involvement. Vote. Badger your MP to do what you think is right. If he/she doesn't, kick them out next time.

    Don't just vote along party lines - that's old-fashioned tribalism. Think and talk about the issues. be vocal, be active. Take responsibility. It's your money they are spending, force them to account for it.

    "People" is you and me. If we want change, we need to change things ourselves.

  8. new labour have no clue what a Representative democracy means..

    Evidence is evidence.

  9. It's what you call an "Illusion Democracy". But the mask is slipping and more and more people are realising this.

  10. With a two party system you have the choice of one party who does a lot of things people don't like and an opposition complaining about it or a different party doing practically the same things {you don't have to be pragmatic in opposition} while the first party moans about it. Oh, and a lot of minority parties who can claim anything they like because as they'll never get it we won't find out that its unsustainable, impractical or just plain illegal.

    If people think that changing the Government will make everything OK, they've learned nothing in several hundred years of 'Democracy'.

    As our American cousins say: What does a president in his first term of office really want? - A second term.

  11. There's a difference between democracy and anarchy.

    So who promised a referendum?  That's never been how the UK works.  We had a referendum to join the EC and for Scottish and Welsh devolution.  If we had them for everything, the thick and the ignorant would vote as Murdoch told them.  That's not democracy, it's pornocracy.

    Who are these immigrants on less than the minimum wage?  Give me the names of the employers and I'll prosecute.

    And why should the people listen to the BNP when we know that you are funded by American big business to destabilise Britain.

  12. yeh they work for us, and we all own buckingham palace too, try going round for a cup of tea and see what you'll get.

  13. Have you told your MP how you feel or just us!

    Do you volunteer for the party of your choice?

    Its the same all over the western world

  14. Democracy?

    Democrazy if you ask me. And dont just blame it on labour.

    Every single time these political weasels want a vote from us,they promise the earth,when they get in a position of power,they sh8t on us. Complete and utter liars and wasters. I hate the lot of em.

  15. I agree. You've got several choices.

    - drum up support and start organising demonstrations.

    - enter politics yourself and try changing things from within.

    - use your own vote carefully and "better luck next time".

    By the way, Buckingham Palace is open to tours. Anyone can now pop in and have a cup of tea when opening hours allow.

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