
I thought I heard a rumor that women's softball was no longer going to be in the Olympics?

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Is this after this Olympics, because obviously it is still a part of it now. Or is this complete fabrication? Sorry I don't have any sources to go by, I just thought I remembered hearing this or reading that future softball players shouldn't get thier hopes up on being in the Olympics? Do you have any idea what I am talking about? LOL




  1. It's true that women's softball will not be in the 2012 olympics, but it could get voted back for 2016.  So I would say don't get your hopes up too high if you're a softball player, but there is a chance.

  2. Yes, softball, along with baseball, will not be included in the 2012 Olympics. The International Olympic Committee voted the sports out of the Olympics without citing specific reasons. Some speculate that it is because of the USA's dominance in softball.  Others say that it is directed more toward baseball since many of the countries baseball players are not professionals. The sports will, however, have a chance to be voted back in for the 2016 Olympic Games.

  3. This is baseball and softball's last appearance in the Olympics.

  4. Its the last year for it. And men's baseball too.  I saw it on HBO sports center or whatever bryant gumbles sports program is.  They are fighting for it. They are taking them out because the americans dominate on an unreal level, and they dont have the international draw as the other sports.  basically... the rest of the world is bored with it.  

  5. Yeah, it's true. And it's all because the European nations that don't play baseball and softball wanted them out because those are sports that American and Latin Americans dominate. European teams actually had to find Americans with heritage in their home countries to play. (See Greece in the 2004 games. They had a bunch of American minor leaguers and former Major League players playing for them because they couldn't find home-grown players.)  

  6. I hear that, too - on a television show.  Women's softball was added to the Olympics in 1996 in Atlanta.  But it will be dropped in 2012.  They didn't say why, but possibly not enough countries participate.  And I believe the Americans have dominated.

  7. yeah, the rumors are true

  8. I guess after Taiwan proved its kids were better at Baseball than

    the American Little League could field it stands to reason Asians

    everywhere might make women's softball an exercise in futility.

    Locking up American womenfolk would be for their protection as

    were The American Little League years ago from other Asians.

    Uh-huh, prescience helps.  I'd imagine to be ball-less also helps.   Let's pretend the planet is bored with our game

    and ignore any Japanese in USA professional baseball.

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