
I thought i got over her ....?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so im a 15 y.o girl and im g*y ...and this is whats up

I thought over summer i got over her..but i saw her today in the malland my heart skipped

like 90000 beats..

summer is over in less then a week and I thought i was over her I thought i could

handle being around her ...but i guess not ..what do i do?

i cant get over this beautiful str8 girl what can i do ?

the hurting is back and i really cant handle this all...




  1. change your mind think of something else

    the easiest way to do it

  2. im sorry but you cant make someone like you. i know its hard, but you will get through it. focus on finding a new girl that you like. then, youll forget about her and you will feel alot better.

  3. im really sorry but i dont think there is anything you can do then try to be friends with her. if thats too much to handle then try talking to some other girls that are g*y also & think about them and not about her. i dont exactly know how to help you in this situation but im doing my best. i really hope this works for you.!

  4. Ignore her

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