
I thought id be cool to get a bird[never get a bird] and he wont stop chirping what do i do to get him to stop

by Guest67031  |  earlier

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ok its a big bird!

and my mom got it for me, for my birthday she thought i would have liked it, i dont want to tell her i dont like it so im trying to be nice to it




  1. 22lr

  2. Did you not realize that birds chirp before you bought one? There's not a lot you can do, although giving him more attention might help.

  3. Sad that such a joyful bird should be so difficult for you. That little bird is happy, happy. I wonder if you could find a new home for him/her through Craig's List.

  4. you should give the bird to some one who likes birds, they only stop when they are sleeping.  And before you get a pet you should try to find out about them so this will not happen.

  5. My stepmother got a bird for her mom, and they put a blanket over the cage so it seems dark and they will start to learn that they have to be quiet. Or just let them go!

  6. that's what they do!! they chirp!!

    If you are trying to sleep put a towel over the cage

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