
I thought it could only get better?

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I'm 24 weeks pregnant I thought once you got further along that my attitude would get better. Me and my boyfriend on the verge of breaking up because I cant control hormones. So what an I do to make up for all the drama I cause.




  1. To be perfectly honest, do you have s*x? I know that sounds like such a male thing to say, but it does relieve stress and can bring you two closer together. Do you talk about your problems and does he understand what you're going through just to have his child? He does need to understand the mental and physical changes you are going through, because of what he "did to you".

  2. Your boyfriend needs to be more understanding of the hormones because it will take awhile even after the birth for you to get back to normal.  

  3. You're boyfriend should try and be more understanding...after all you'll be the one pushing the baby out, you deserve to be a little hormonal! Try talking to him about what seems to bother him the most and compramise on how to handle it...but definitely let him know he could be a lil more understanding :)

  4. Hhmmm...I've had 4 children and can't really recall not being able to "control my hormones", because no one has control over their hormones.  Maybe it isn't the hormones at all, maybe it's your relationship with your boyfriend and, either you or him are using the hormones for an excuse.  Pregnancy can be a stressful even in the best of situations and I'm guessing yours is stressful enough.  Take a good look at your relationship and see if there are changes that need to be made.  Good luck with your baby, they are true blessings.

  5. your boyfriend should be more understanding, just explain to him that you will be very moody within the next couple of months, this is kinda his fault too lolz but just explain to him he has to be more understanding

  6. The answers above are correct,

    mood swings because of hormonal changes is as big of a part of pregnancy as your bump. Your boyfriend should be more understanding and supportive.

    Me and my partner have had a few nasty rows when i have just flown off the handle because of my hormones, but he just gives me time to cool off,  gives me a hug hug and we have a laugh at how insane i actually got. lol!

    You have enough on your plate then to be worrying about treading on egg shells for your boyfriend.. sit him down and show him these answers maybe that will help.

    Good luck hun x*x

  7. Just keep reminding him that as soon as your hormone levels aren't doubling daily that things will get better.  Being pregnant for some women is like the worst case of PMS they have ever had.  My niece was a horrible girl friend while she was pregnant but the father just kept telling himself he got a child out of it.  It is very hard to control feelings you haven't had before.  Try finding a way to vent your frustration on something else.

  8. Drama is all part of being pregnant, if he reads a few of the "parenting books" he might get a better ideas of whats happenin. Mine did. I just got rid of the newspapers and the only thing to read were those books soon he knew more than me!

    Dont U stress it doesnt help though!

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