
I thought only Black people were allowed to use the N word?

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What is going on? I always knew white people weren't allowed to use the N word becasue we invented it and the whole slave thing went down and then there was segregation and for the most part we respect the unwritten rule of never uttering such a harmful word.

I've noticed that many other races use the N word in the same respect black people use it. Asian, Indians, Hispanics pretty much any "minority" is using this term as often and in as many ways as blacks.

Why are other minorities allowed to use it when they haven't faced anything close to the type of persecution black received?

Is it becasue they are considered to be in the same socio- economic class as black people?

What about white races that werent in American at the time of slavery, can they use the N word? How about Jews, Italians, irish, british, australians?

If any of them i would think Jews should get a N word pass to use the N word before Hispanics, Asians and Indians use it. Jews have been persecuted through-out history and some would say jews have suffered equally if not more than blacks. Plus Jews weren't slave owners and really werent even in America at that time period.

So whats up?




  1. my friend is korean and uses it and no one seems to get mad at him. he was in a gang so he has a very badass exterior so i think part of it is people might not be quick to tell him not to say it. i asked him once why he uses it and he said hes a minority and its more acceptable for him to say it than for me to say it (i never would i think its a horrible word) him and his best friend use it as a term of affection but once we were at a bar and some black kid told my friend to "stop acting like a N____" and my friend flipped **** and they got into it. im sure its all about the way u say it...sorta like calling a girl a hoe or a ******. its all about the way u say it and the tone u say it. i personally think no one should use the n word but thats just me

  2. ***** means you're ignorant...  not that you're black... and i'm spanish, i use it all the time... anyone can use it, just as well as everyone can get the butt kicked for saying it.

  3. I think you are providing a lot of mis-information, for one slavery was present in the world thousands of years before America was even discovered and the Jews had their own "servants".

  4. They are only allowed to use it.  If a white person uses it they are deemed a racist.  Just like if a white person fires a black person they are deemed a racist.  Just like if I don't open the door for a black person I am deemed a racist.

    Welcome to the 21st century, the world of racial double standards.

  5. The worst thing about the "n" word is that folks don't know a few things about it. For example ***** is not the same as the word with 2 "g"s. It is a label such as caucasion. Secondly there is no reason for most American people to be affended by the word since none of you know what it's like to be on a slave ship for months, while your family is killed and tortured in front of you and your entire being is broken from the inside...

  6. Something like the N word or any word that puts down a race can be used by that race when in private.  Unless you want other people to use the word, don't use it out in the general public.  

    People within the groups you mentioned use words made up by others to denigrate them - probably to reduce the sting, but probably not when out in public where everyone can hear but not know the context - you are in the same ethnic, religious, geographical area.

    If other people pick up the N word when greeting each other or talking about each other, that may be the one thing that takes the sting out of it.

    When other people use the N word, I think they use it because it is a word that gets them attention, not because they relate to the horrors of slavery and current prejudice.  It seems to be used like all sorts of words in the past, calling someone a hep cat or a biker.  

  7. Pesonally, I don't think anyone should use it. I know some black people that don't like it either. I asked my boyfriend once why he uses a word that is so insulting to his own race and he said it is their way of modifying it and taking the insult away-in effect telling people you can't hurt us with this anymore, we will make it our own and change the meaning.  

  8. NO ONE should use the word,N*****. That word is degrading and only and ignorant person would say it.

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