
I thought that tornadoes were in flat laying lands only, not in wooded areas. Could someone please tell me?

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more about tornados please? Thank you.




  1. Ive been in a tornado i live in the hills of Tennessee and there are plenty of woods it blew up ever tree in our yard

  2. Technically you are correct, but wooded-can still mean flat, most mountainous , hilly land.combined with heat & humidity will have tornadoes even wooded-foresty areas can be prone to tornadoes, just depends on the weather .

  3. Tornadoes can (and have) occurred in all 50 states ... even Alaska.  They are more common and usually stronger in the Midwest over the flatlands, but they happen everywhere.  (One of the deadliest tornadoes on record occurred in Worcester, Massachusetts ... and that is not flatland.)

  4. So many people think tornadoes can only occur on flat open land and not in big cities, but this is totally not true!

    I suppose people just think of tornadoes being mostly in the Midwest, where it is flat and open, and perhaps that's where this idea comes from. In any case, tornadoes can form anywhere and at any time given the conditions within in a thunderstorm are hospitable for one. Tornadoes do not discriminate where they occur!  As long as there is a thunderstorm capable of producing them in the area, tornadoes can happen in wooded areas, in hilly areas, in large cities, over water, at night, and during winter months.

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