
I thought the olympics were for amatures not pro's so why does the have pro's on thier?

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didn't that boxer turn down pros's so he could stay amateur another 4 years so he could compete in the Olympics again?so then kobe shouldnt be alowed to play right




  1. Well, in 1992, the rules changed allowing for professionals to compete in the Olympics. Up until then, it was completely amateur. This allowed professional athletes such as NBA basketball players and tennis players such as Roger Federer to compete.

    However, two sports really do not follow this rule. Major league baseball players are not allowed to play in the Olympics, due to the timing of the games always being during the latter half of the season when critical players are needed. They do let minor league players compete though. The other sport is boxing. Boxing does not allow professionals to compete because of the fear that professional boxers, being much stronger and more agile than their amateur counterparts, could seriously injury their opponents. So the boxer you are talking about held back on becoming a professional because he wanted to compete in the Olympics.

  2. I think it may be different for every sport because many of the athletes certainly aren't amateurs seeing that they hold all types of records and have won many different medals and awards.

  3. Professionals have been allowed in the Olympics for many years now (since at least '92, remember the Dream Team?). Some sports have age restrictions, but that is about it.

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