
I thought this was funny... do you?

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A lizard was walking through the jungle one day and he noticed a Koala Bear hanging out in a tree. He looked up at the Koala Bear and said "Hey man, what you doin' up there? The Koala Bear responded with "Not much man, just sittin up here smokin' a joint! Why don't you come join me?" So the lizard crawls up the tree, sits next to the Koala bear and they share a few joints. A little while later the lizard complains of having cotton mouth so he tells the Koala bear that he is going to go drink some water down by the river. As the lizard approaches the river he sees an alligator. The alligator asks the lizard "Hey man, I'm pretty bored right now, what have you been doin all day?" The lizard tells the alligator that he has been hanging out with a Koala bear, smokin joints all day. The gator can't believe it so the lizard points him in the direction of the Koala bear and the gator takes off that direction. When he reaches the tree where the Koala bear is he looks up and says "Hey you!" The Koala bear slowly leans over and looks down and says "Holy $%*& man! How much water did you drink?!?"




  1. yes I think it's very cute and very funny.

  2. I always liked this one, never see the punchline coming. Star!

  3. thats funny lol didnt c it cumin

  4. hahahahahahahahaha its hilarious

  5. i don't get it lol...can some1 explain?? sorry . im usally good at this one..idk.

  6. lol  

  7. LOL!

    To those who didn't get it:

    The koala thought the gator was the lizard, but full of water from the river. get it?? no? read again...... xP

  8. lol ive heard it before, still very funny though

  9. ROFL..... that was hilarious!

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