
I thought this was the baby but could it be something else?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I felt a fullness in my chest or like someone was sittingon my chest making it hard to breathe. I am 21 weeks and I thought it was justthe baby. All through the night I couldnot sleep and had a dry cough. Now it is morning and I still have the urge to cough. But when I cough I taste blood and my chest hurts to breathe. Is this a cold I am assuming the baby would not cause dry coughing?




  1. I would see your doctor - don't take any chances you may be coming down with something.

  2. When I was pregnant I had the same feeling in my chest and I also had a slight cough and a sore throat. I just thought I had a cold until one day I woke up very short of breath. I could not breathe and it was very scary, so I went to the ER. It ended up being an upper respiratory infection. I was given antibiotics.  My symptoms before the morning I woke up out of breath were very mild. I would have never though it would have escalated so soon.  You should go see a doctor asap.

  3. I would call your doctor he will tell u if its the baby or something else.I would not mess around with it that is your life and baby's life.

  4. I don't think the baby can cause this at 21 weeks.  Your uterus is only up to your belly button, so the baby can't really reach your lungs yet.  You may be getting a little constricted since your uterus is shoving all your other organs upward into your chest, but it sounds like you might have a cold or other virus or infection.  Probably a good idea to check with your doctor.

  5. I'm 27 weeks and I've never had any coughing due to my baby, although I do often get chest pains from indigestion and they are very painful, also with that I get heartburn. This is usually worst shortly after I've eaten or when I lay down to sleep.

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