
I thought vegetarians couldn't eat marshmallows?

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Some people say that as a vegetarian you can eat them but I wouldn't have thought you could because I think it involves killing the animal? Am I correct? and does anybody know well known places that you can find vegan/vegetarian marshmallows? Because I have been looking for them everywhere!

Thanks :)




  1. I'm a vegetarian.

    Marshmellows contain gelatine.

    Gelatine is "extracted from the collagen inside animals' connective tissue" and "is a protein produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the bones, connective tissues, organs, and some intestines of animals such as the domesticated cattle, and horses. "

    Im not eating anything that comes from a horse.

  2. u r right. vegetarians don't eat marshmellos because it as gelitan. you also can't have jello for the same reason.

  3. Hey there, Greenapple03 ~

    I thought the very same thing!!  I can say 4 sure that certain religions which refrain from eating pork products do not consume anything derived from that animal either (ie gummy bears, jell-o,marshmallows, etc..).  What I do know is that there is such an ingredient that is plant based with which you can make marshmallows.  It is known as agar or agar-agar which is by  

    Definition: [AH-gahr; AY-gahr] Also called kanten and Japanese gelatin, this tasteless dried seaweed acts as a setting agent and is widely used in Asia. It is marketed in the form of blocks, powder or strands and is available at Asian markets and health-food stores. Agar can be substituted for gelatin but has stronger setting properties so less of it is required.

    So w/o further a do here's the recipe for creating cruelty-free marshmallows. Hope U enjoy :)

    Vegan Marshmallows

    Recipe #78524  | 50 min | 20 min prep  

    Most marshmallows are neither vegan or vegetarian, but here is a recipe that is.

    SERVES 20 (change servings and units)


    4 teaspoons agar-agar, powder

    1 cup cold water

    1 3/4 cups granulated sugar

    3/4 cup light corn syrup

    1 tablespoon vanilla extract

    1/4 cup cornstarch

    1/4 cup confectioners' sugar


    1) Soak agar-agar in ½ cup cold water until water is absorbed and powder is completely wet, about 10 minutes.

    2) Meanwhile, combine ½ cup cold water, 1¾ cup granulated sugar and ¾ cup corn syrup in saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly over medium heat and taking care to prevent boiling over.

    3) Reduce heat slightly and continue cooking and stirring until sugar mixture thickens and forms a strand or ball in cold water. Immediately remove from heat and set aside.

    4) Heat agar-agar over medium heat and stir until agar-agar softens and dissolves.

    5) Spoon into mixer bowl.

    6) Add vanilla extract and, with beaters on high seed, slowly pour hot sugar mixture onto agar-agar.

    7) Continue beating on high speed for about 10 minutes, or until mixture turns white and resembles well-beaten egg whites.

    8) Combine cornstarch and confectioner's sugar in bowl.

    9) Generously sprinkle an 8 inch round baking pan with half of cornstarch mixture.

    10) Pour agar-agar mixture into pan.

    11) Sprinkle top with more cornstarch and sugar to coat well.

    12) After "marshmallows" firm up, slice into pieces, wrap in plastic and store in an airtight container in refrigerator, or serve.

    **Extra tip**

    You need to soften the agar in cold water and then cook it (simmer) for about 10 minutes for flakes, 5 minutes for powder. The resulting liquid should be clear.

    Here's a cool link on the 411 of gelatin.

  4. marshmellows = gelatin = horse leg

  5. marshmallows don not kill animals r****d....

    im gonna go kill me a marshmallow cow dur...

  6. True, vegetarians do not consume slaughter by-products(gelatin).

    It's funny though, a "vegetarian" can consume dairy, which contributes to a great deal of suffering but they don't eat gelatin that wouldn't contribute to any suffering because it's just extra garbage from the meat and dairy industries.

  7. I guess try the health-food store or do without them. They do have gelatin in them, so....

  8. Gelatin comes from the bones, connective tissues, organs, and some intestines of animals, usually cows and horses. It is considered an animal by-product, not meat, so, by definition, you can still eat gelatin and be a vegetarian. That being said, I've provided a link below where you can buy vegan marshmallows online, but I haven't tried them myself so I can't make any promises as to how good they are. I also found some recipes, just type "agar vegan marshmallows" into Google and tons of stuff comes up. Agar is a gelatin substitute made from seaweed that you can buy at health food stores or Asian markets.

    Also, just FYI, if you choose not to eat gelatin, it is also in several types of candy such as Starburst, Skittles, and almost anything "gummy." So you should check the ingredients on any candy you eat just to be sure there's no gelatin.

  9. how do marshmallows kill animals? anyways, ihate marshmallows

  10. Why don't you invent Vegan Marshmallows? You'd have a built in audience!


  11. Vegans dont eat marshmallows as it includes an animal product. Vegetarians dont eat animal flesh but will still eat eggs milk and so on..

    Im a vegetarian i eat marshmallows : )

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