
I threw an apple at my friend's ear by accident, and he can't hear

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I threw an apple from a far away distance and it hit him in the ear. He says he hears a ringing, and he can't seem to hear out of it. It has been an hour and he still can't hear. Will he be deaf forever (it was a small apple). Please tell me without suggesting the E.R.




  1. If his ear bled and he hears a ringing then the ear drum probably popped. id call a doctor to ask. dont think youd have to go in.

  2. People who have inner ear problems usually hear some ear ringing. It is called tinnitus. Tinnitus is a product of the brain trying to receive sound signals from the ears when there is no sound coming in due to hearing loss.

    Hearing loss usually happens because of cochlear damage. In your friend's case it is most likely due to trauma caused by the apple.

    It is very important to go seek medical attention to properly identify what part of the inner ear is damaged. Treatment is dependent of the nature of the injury. Without a proper examination it is not possible to tell if it's a temporary or permanent hearing loss.

    If there is bleeding from the ear, go to the ER right away. Otherwise make an appointment with an ENT (ear nose throat) specialist as soon as possible.

    Best of luck.

  3. Yes probably perminant damage, won't do that again will you.

  4. If stuff is coming out of it he may have popped his ear drum. I assume the ringing will go away but he may be deaf for the rest of his life in that ear ( can he hear out of 1 of his ears?) I would call a doctor don't go in unless the doctor tells you to

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