
I threw my cheating partner out but he continues to contact me every day. What does this mean?

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Why is he continuing to keep lines of communication open and still asking for my help with things?




  1. Thing is, your partner cheated perhaps because the opportunity arose and he thought he could get away with it and not get caught.

    He may well now regret that, which is why he is keeping lines of communication open, but you have to decide what it is that you want.

    That said, what really is the level of communication? Just chat or tackling the real issues involved?

    I do not always take the view that because he has cheated you should shut the door. That depends on your thoughts and feelings but what must happen if you want to try to make things work is that you are both open and honest but in a non accusatory way about your feelings and why he felt the need to 'play away' in the first place.

    In my experience people 'play away' when there is something lacking in the relationship they are in.

  2. because he cant accept you stood up to him and chucked him out

    my advice if u dont want to deal with him

    change your mobile number....ignore him once a cheater always a cheater i hate guys who cheat!!!!!!!!!!

    even move its that drastic

    well done!!!!!!!!!!! x

  3. Because instead of giving him a definite "no" you're broadcasting a mealy-mouthy half-baked wimpy "probably not unless you talk me out of it."

    He can't be in your life unless you let him in.

  4. Because you are allowing him to.    Tell him you can't help him anymore.  That he needs to find someone else and move on.

    End it !!!!!

  5. If you threw him out, stop taking his calls and stop helping him with things.

  6. Because you are allowing him to do this, you have to be firm and say no and mean it or he will be forever in your life.

  7. Isn't that the question we wish we could answer? I have read your other questions and I feel for you. I am in a similar situation,I have probably bored Y/A users to death with my questions. My husband left me for someone else after 9 yrs and 2 kids! He had been cheating for 3 yrs and I had no clue. This happened to me last november. After he had been gone for 3 weeks he started texting me about what a mistake he had made, how sorry he was etc. I took him back, I think I was still in a state of shock about what he had done, also the kids to consider. Things haven't gone well, I just can't put the deceit behind me. We seem to be getting on well then I just get smacked in the face with the enormity of what he has done and we're right back to square one. There has been lots of twists and turns to my story, I have pulled some nasty stunts in the meantime for revenge! Most of the answers I received told me to ditch him and not look back. If only it was that simple. I sometimes wonder what is the point of asking questions if you aren't going to take the advice. My main point with my husband is that he was great to live with and we rarely argued, like you we also had an active s*x life, it's not like he was going short. He certainly didn't do it for the s*x. I also have to admit that maybe I got a little complacent in our relationship because I was so happy and didn't give him the attention he needed. I swing between loving him for the great times we had and rage for the way he messed things up. Does your ex seem sorry, does he know the damage he has caused, is he commited to fixing things? There is a way forward after infidelity but it's painful, do you have the balls for the fight? Me and my husband are living apart right now. My heart tells me to forgive and move on, my head screams no!!! Look what he did to me. Can I give you a cut and dried answer? No, you have to weigh up your own situation and decide if it's worth it. Feel free to email me if you want to discuss any further.

  8. He got caught, realised that you were better and wants to come back.  

  9. He's playing on the fact that you are a good person.  Just start to remind him that you are no longer with him and that it is his fault as it was his choice to hurt you.  His choice and therefore he needs to choose somebody else to contact each day and get on with his future because whilst he is still contacting you each day he is reminding you of what you had together and what he did to hurt you.

  10. he probably got caught cheating again with his new partner and is hoping you are gullible enough to take him back.  Tell him you are moving on with your life and you will no longer answer his calls.

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