
I told him that I like him, how do you think he reacted?!?

by  |  earlier

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I work with this guy, and I have been attracted to him ever since he trained me. Since then, I've started liking him since we've been working together for some time now. Anyway, I told 2 co-workers that I like him, and they never told. Then tonight, another co-worker guessed right in front of the guy that I like that I like the guy I like. I didn't say anything, and we became busy. Right before he was getting ready to leave, I was bagging for him, and I confessed, and I said please don't hate me, gotta go! because I had customers then. So when he left, I was busy, but he smiled, said bye, and said no, I don't hate you. Then left. I really like him, but he's really shy normally. He does talk to me though. I don't know what to think.. what do you think?




  1. Theres a really good possibility that he likes you!

  2. LOL. No, he has no interest, geez.

  3. time will tell. continue acting normally around him, & if he likes u back, i'm sure he'll make a move cos a person's biggest fear about making a move is the fear of rejection. he knows full well that u like him, so there's no fear involved. if he doesnt make a move for say 2-3 weeks, test his response by inviting him for a casual coffee just bw the 2 of u, & see how he reacts (ie slowly coax him into things)

  4. He was flattered and it really took him by surprise, meaning he likes you. He may act a little weird around you but it will only because he is shy and does not know what to do and does not want to mess things up. If things get weird make your move, he won`t.  

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