
I told him that i have a crush on him...?

by  |  earlier

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ok last sunday we're texting each other, then he ask "who's your crush?", then i answered "you", so i'm so shameful when i said that on him... what will i do if we see each other in school... or what if he doesn't like me back?...




  1. well what did he say when you told him you liked him?

  2. There is a chance that he could like you back.  After all, why else would want to know who your crush is? =]

  3. Tel him that he don't have to like u bak u just feel that way about him and wanted to tell and then walk away lke lukin all depressed

  4. Well it's nice to get how you really feel out there so he'll know. Most likely  if he was asking he was wondering if you liked him or something because he might like you. Give him a little time because he will come around to you and confess his feelings too. Even if there not so good at least you will know.

  5. tell him one of your friend took your phone and said that or something. or if he does than good for you for being to couragous

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