i have a 14 year old daughter who constantly rebels, argues, and gets into trouble. she used to be a straight A student until she started hanging out with her weird goth friends. We seem to get into lots of fights and many incongruities. i've tried taking her to a therapist and talking to her but none seem to be working.
at dinner, we were arguing about her grades, D's and C's, and her lack of interest in usual things. i was fed up with all her nonense and so i mistakenly told her i hated her, how i wished she would die, etc.
she ran upstairs crying and locked her door. i'm afraid that she's self-mutilating or attempting suicide or something, due to her goth friend's influences.
I feel really horrible about what i said, and i apologized numerously to her in front of her door. Should i call the police in case she might be killing herself or something? Please help.
Thanks so much.