
I told my friend she looks like tyra banks?

by  |  earlier

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and she got mad.why?that was a compliment.though tyra does have a huge forehead it's very beautiful in my opinioion.




  1. Maybe she just doesn't find Tyra as attractive as you do.

  2. Maybe because a lot of people make fun of Tyra & call her a Tyranny...

    Personally I think Tyranny's are great, but not everyone thinks so.  

  3. tyras pretty.

    idk wut ur friend was thinking!

  4. large foreheads are ideal for models.

    tyra's gorgeous. i have no idea why your friend would get mad.

  5. Maybe she took it the wrong wayyy.

    Like she probably thinks tyra has a huuuuuuuge forehead too, and when you said that she looked like her,she might have thought that you were insulting her about having a big forhead as well.


  6. Maybe she just doesn't like Tyra.....DUH.

  7. Tyra is pretty, but also is masculine in a weird way, plus, tyra is bald!

    answers mine , please?!?

  8. She should take it as a compliment. Tyra is pretty good looking.

  9. maybe she doesnt look like tyra, or she doesnt like her

  10. idk..maybe cuz tyra is a little on the big side..not to be mean!  

  11. I agree with Pyro. Your friend may not find her as attractive as you do. People are kind of split on whether she's attractive or not. Also, person above me it's spelled "tranny" not "tyranny". they are two totally, totally different things.

  12. she probably got mad b/c tyra banks is known for having a big forehead and also there was that whole swimsuit drama about her weight and stuff.

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