
I told my kids that they would go to h**l if they didn't get straight As in school this year, was that bad?

by  |  earlier

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I just think a little motivation would be good for them.




  1. It's no worse than telling them that if they don't take everything in the bible literally they will go to h**l.

  2. You are overly kind to them.

  3. A little exagerrated but I think that no harm was done. When I was small my parents would tell me that if I did bad the police was going to take me away and I be put in jail. That really used to get to study hard to get good grades. When I became older I realized that I really wasn't going to go to jail for getting bad grades.  

  4. They won't go to h**l.. maybe you will.

  5. that is just stupid and ridiculous!

  6. Honestly, that is ridiculous.

    It is extremely rude, distasteful, and dishonest to tell your children such a thing.  If you are a "Christian" then you would not have said that in the first place because it's a lie, you are bearing false witness, and most importantly you are oppressing your children and scaring them with beliefs that are part of their moral structure.  You should never use serious things such as religion to frighten your children into making good grades.  You shouldn't lie to them either.  That demotes you as a parent.  Are you compensating for good grades that you missed out on?  Do you have a control problem?

    You need to sit down and talk to them about why they need good grades, not tell them a ridiculous lie that they will go to h**l if they don't get straight A's .  That is NOT motivation.  That is a scare tactic, and a cowardly, low one at that.  

    Communicate with your children and tell them that good grades will get them far in life and make them proud of their own achievements.

  7. They need to divorce you and get a new mother. What an evil *****

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