
I told my nephew santa claus isnt real. my sis aint letting this go?

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told my nephew santa claus isnt real he is 5 going to be 6 in june. my sister came over to visit we were making prank calls to ppl she got pissed off told my dad what we were doing called us 3 year olds. I was spiteful told me nephew santa isnt real. Now! this is a week later my sister wont let this **** die down keeps getting in my face for telling him that. I keep telling her its her fault for ratting on us and calling us 3 year olds. How long do i need to keep taken her c**p before i do something?




  1. That's pretty low for ruining it for a little one. It's you're fault for acting stupid, Pay the consequenses for your actions now.

  2. ill tell if u tell me how to do what u just did, making a question for people to answer cause i just kno how to answer

  3. i guess until you grow up, take it out on a 5 year old that will help!!


  5. You absolutely robbed that poor boy, you suck.

  6. Sammy,

    You need to keep taking what she gives out forever until you do something---APOLOGIZE, to your sister and your nephew.  I have a 5 year old son and I would be devastated if someone told him Santa wasn't real right now.  She should be mad at you.  You are hurting your nephew and stealing part of the magic of childhood away from him.  The magic of believing.  It is a beautiful thing when you look into their eyes and they see magic, and they believe it is all true and that night before Christmas when they go to bed with their heart filled with the hope and dream of what Santa will leave under the tree for them.  YOU just shattered that for your own nephew.  Your blood relative.  I can't imagine it.  If my brother did this, I wouldn't speak to him again.  It doesn't matter that your sister told on you (your nephew didn't tell on you did he?).  Why did you take it out on him?  Don't you like him?  Your sister loves her son, I'm sure her world revolves around this boy, so you deserve whatever you get right now.  Just be glad she's still talking to you, and go give her a hug and tell her you are sorry and you're ready to grow up and be a real uncle now.  Then, go talk to your nephew and tell him the story of Saint Nicholas (research it first if you have to.)  Tell him Santa is real and that you were just being mean that day and you don't know why.  You can go to and print up a story with your nephew's name from the north pole and this Christmas, you need to make sure he gets some nice presents from Santa!

    By the way, making prank calls isn't nice either, and you were acting like a child, perhaps that is why your sister called you a 3 year old.  And you know what, she had to tell your dad if you are living under his roof.  Because, everyone has caller id these days, so whoever you are making these prank calls to will have your phone number and call back and talk to your dad anyway.  Then they will confront him about a call coming from that number and he will need to know what happened.  Your sister was simply acting like the adult in the situation, the adult that she is.  She has done no wrong here.  You have.  You need to make it right.

  7. If you really want to know why your sister is upset, try seeing things from her- or your nephew's point of view.

    I am assuming that you do not yet have children of your own, and would bet that if you did, you would be more apt to understand your sister's point of view.

    Believing in Santa may be silly to you, but for most (Christian) little kids, it is very important. if you cannot understand why, try reading (or watching) the Polar Express, or "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus."

    What is most upsetting to me is not what you said, but your lack of empathy. Perhaps in order to get your sister to 'calm down, you could admit that you made a mistake, apologize, and stop threatening to do 'something.'

    I hope you find peace with your family.

  8. Well I think ur funny! Folks have we forgotten that Santa isn't real, and that he undermines the meaning of Christmas. I applaud you for revealing the truth. As far as acting childish- do it up big- ITS THE PERKS OF BEING AN AUNT OR UNCLE!!

  9. i can't believe you did that. take it as long as she gives it.

  10. u messed up, wtf, just let it die off by next Christmas

  11. When you have children of your own someday, you'll understand why she is so pissed off. It's a parent thing. And I don't think you should do anything, just keep taking the c**p because she is a mother and she will get you back alot harder and in a mature way.

  12. You have to take it for as long as she keeps on giving it to you.  You may NOT do something back to her.

    What an infantile, nasty, hurtful thing you did!  Telling a 5 year old that is really awful.  You had absolutely NO BUSINESS doing that!

    Not your sister's fault at all.  Only yours. Why were you doing prank calls?  Don't you know that's a crime?

    You need to start growing up.  That WAS a three year old thing to do!

  13. you need to grow up. Calling you a 3 year old is an insult to 3 year olds.

  14. ha ha! this is actually pretty dang funny. you got back at your sister in a kind of harsh way though. man. i would probably tell her im sorry but also let her know she needs to lay off a bit. the damage is done

  15. google search St. Nicholas - this gives the true story of Santa Clause.  I gave this to my children when they were old enough and explained the whole story to them...  That Santa Clause is real, but like any human, he died, but his spirit lives on - the spirit of Christmas - this is how mommy and daddy can afford to buy all the gifts under the tree each year with everything else we have to pay for. Also, the kids that think he isn't real just caught mommy and daddy wrapping gifts and weren't told the whole story.  We have somehow lost this story over the years.   Santa Clause is real - St. Nicholas!!  get your facts straight before crushing the hopes of your nephew.

  16. Why blame your sister for something YOU did?  Telling a 5 year old there is no Santa is pretty low.  You are acting like a 3 year old - then and now.  Grow up, learn to accept critcism without throwing a tantrum.

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