
I told my sister what i saw and she believes me.she wants some advice?

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please help my sister she wants to know what she should tell her children where there dad went her kids are 14,13,12 so how does she tell her children that there dad was a dirty pig and slept with there aunt ashley thanks for the help from the happley married sister and the sister that is picking up the pieces after a cheating man that is also the father of my children in need of help




  1. You cant be telling the kids this would upset them enormously. They will still love their dad....I am sorry for the pain in all of this....

  2. Are you crazy???? Tell them Daddy's at work, or playing basket ball but Never Never tell your kids or her kids or ANYBODY's kids anything that is A) None of their business B) Between Mom and Dad. Let the adults handle their problems and tell her not to use her children as a shield or a weapon she'll only be hurting them.

    What does Dad want? Has she confronted them?  

  3. you dont tell them anything.  if the parents need to tell the kids whats going on, its their job.  Talk to your sister and make sure you know its his fault first before you go about calling him names.  Maybe there were problems before this happened.  

    dont try to tell the kids their father is a dirty slimy jerk if its not absolutely true

  4. You can tell the kids or your sister can tell to her kids there father did

    not want the responsibilty to raise and take care of his kids but mom

    loves them lot and things gonna be ok.

  5. Be honest but be careful to explain it as basic as possible - without calling him names or putting him down (afterall he is still the father). They are old enough to understand relationships. Yes, it is sad and will hurt but they need to understand  #1) That this is unacceptable behavior #2) how a person will have many trials and tribulations in their lives and this is the right way to handle it and #3) You cannot control anyone else - you can only control yourself (and your reaction). Be the better person.  

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