
I told my therapist that I want to tell her everything about my past...?

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because I have a lot of deep unresolved issues. She didn't think we should do this. I am sort of on the right track right now because I am sober and doing well in school. She thought I should harness this positivity so I could move forward and learn to live a more positive life. She observed that I have tons of negative thoughts and feelings because of the past. She thinks I should be able to move past this negativity and that delving back into the causes might just bring back the negativity. I see her point and it all makes sense. But the fact still remains that as a victim of emotional abuse, by my parents and peers when I was young, I have developed unnatural fears and a warped sense of what to expect out of life. Is it OK to just leave all of the old stuff alone. How will I clean up the mess I left behind?




  1. It might be a good test of  your newfound coping skills to discuss this with your therapist in a calm, non-emotional way. I agree, you need to vent that stuff!! Get it out so it doesn't fester in your soul.

  2. She has a point, but just b/c she's a therapist doesn't mean she knows everything. I think you need to move on from the past so you can stay on a positive road to towards the future. But you can't ignore the past, just accept the fact that yes, it happened and made you feel that way but you can't dwell on it. That's what I think. hope this helps.

  3. It sounds to me that your therpaist is not ready to deal with your issues as much as you are ready to deal with them.

    I would love to know what type of therapy you have been having.

    As a counsellor myself I find this scenario strange. >client expresses need  to discuss somethin in order to move forward> client feels this is right thing for them to deal with the mess and clear out of their head> Therapist says "lets not talk about the past you are doing okay"

    I would think this is not a good therapist, a good therapist should be able to let you take the lead and decide what you are able to talk about and let you decide if you are able to deal with the content of your head.

    A good therpaist will know that you are able to deal with the content of your head becasue you are dealing with the content of your head every day.

    i would suggest raising this with your therapist again, explain that you are ready to work through some feelings.

    If you do not get what you feel you need find another therapist, one who can let you talk about your problems

  4. i think you need to find a new therapist, this one is not interested in really helping you out.  you need to understand the past and why you did what you did in order to move on.

    its not okay to leave the old stuff alone it will come back again until you deal with it. find a new therapist fast. and good luck you are on the right track.

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