
I took 1 tylenol pm?

by  |  earlier

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So...I took 1 pill of tylenol pm without pain to go to sleep this is my first time using it because i did have trouble going to sleep will something bad happen to me??Like liver problems??




  1. You will be fine. Dont worry. But from now on onlt take pain pills when you are in pain.

  2. As long as you are sticking to the stated dose you will be fine. Try not to depend on pills to get you to sleep though as that will be when your problems will start

  3. You will be fine. As long as you take the appropriate dosage recommended on the package you will not have any liver damage.

  4. Overall, Tylenol is very safe, and unless you take more than the recommended dose, it will not cause liver damage.  You only took one, so you are fine.

    The active sleep ingredient in Tylenol PM is the same as Benadryl.  Benadryl is a VERY safe sleep aid.  I used it when I was pregnant with no side effects at all.  If sleep is your only problem, then get some generic Benadryl and take two about a half an hour before you want to go to sleep.  Then turn off all the lights, the tv, etc and just lie down and close your eyes,  Don't worry about not sleeping-just close your eyes and relax--imagine your feet are heavy, then your legs and just go up.

    I hope that helps!

    ETA: Tylenol and Advil are two different pain relievers, so they can be taken a few hours apart.  But you really should skip the pain relievers altogether if you just want to sleep.
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