
I took 1000 dollars of my grandmas without telling her?

by  |  earlier

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alright, so my grandma tells me stories about depression and why she can't keep her money int eh bank like her mommie did... so basically, i went and took a g of it and took my friends and me to this pokergame... buy in was 100 dolalrs, i bought me in and my two friends... we lost it all... so how do i tell my grandmother... or do i just not tell her?




  1. Dude stealing money frm ur nana aint write to begine with.

  2. Tell her you took the money because you needed an abortion. She'll feel sorry for you and forgive. You need to keep her feeling sorry for you after that too, because you'll need her again someday to bail your sorry thieving *** out of jail!

  3. If you really feel remorseful about it, then the right thing to do is turn yourslf into the cops.

    I can't believe anyone would be that f-ing low, that they'd steal from an elderly woman. Your going to h**l!  

  4. And what do you expect your grandmother to live on since you stole her money?  I say don't tell her and let the guilt from stealing from your own grandmother eat you alive for the rest of your life.  When she gets older and gets sick and may NEED that $1,000.00 to pay for hospital bills you can thank yourself that she is turned away and perhaps die because she didn't have the money for the medical bills.  

  5. Dont fret! I have the perfect solution, itll work like a charm, 100% guaranteed. Heres what you do... build a time machine, go back and dont take the f-ing money. Seriously people, have we really stooped this low???

  6. I was banging my head on the desk when i read this. You took 1000 dollars first of all. And a POKER GAME? I used to play poker as a job and am very well acquainted with winning game, and taking money to that kind of stakes let alone not with your own money. AH i want to fall over a cliff reading this. First of all you acknowledge that it was completely wrong to yourself, understand why it was wrong, determine never to do it again, then fess up--yes it's going to be awkward and yes it is going to suck, express your regret, and prepare to make it right. Work it off in a job or whatever.  And Yikes. The old poker wise voice in the back of my mind was saying i wish i was in that game with you. ARG never play above your bankroll !  

  7. h**l, might as well just steal her oxycotins, also!!

  8. You are unbelievable. How could you do that to your grandma. Have you no conscience? You have to tell her or it could mess up her bank account real bad. No wonder she feels depressed...she has YOU for a grandchild.  What a self centered ....oh I have to stop here I am very angry and at the same time so thankful to Allah that my grand children are loving, wonderful and respectful honest people. I would trust them in my house and to hold my money for me because they are not like you.

  9. You are a low life go and earn some and give it back.

  10. That was a horrible thing to do i agree with time machine boy.

  11. Why the h**l would you steal money and then go spend it so stupid...Now who has to pay the money back you or your friends? pay her her money that  is the least you can do. She can put you in jail for stealing her money!

  12. you took it so be honest and tell her and pay her back otherwise you are a thief who doesnt love her grandmother the truth always hurts but it will set you free and it didnt give you the right to take  her money so do the right thing and make things right

  13. That was a horrible thing to do, but I would not tell her and try pay her back a.s.a.p and hope she never notices, and don't do it again..

  14. just go tell her  

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